Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Day Andrew Scheer Revealed His Inner Bigotry

Ever since he became Con leader, after a leadership race that reeked of corruption,  Andrew Scheer has been blowing a giant dog whistle the size of a house.

Seeking to whip up hatred against Muslims, refugees, non-white immigrants for crass political purposes.

And thanks to our grubby Con media, he has somehow managed to avoid being tagged as a bigot.

But not any longer.

Not after the nasty little Con monkey flew to the defence of the ugly racist bigot Diane Blais.

The one who heckled Justin Trudeau in a bestial manner the other day. 

And he put out this statement in her defence...

Which like many other Canadians I found stunning.

For if you read about Blais and the low life scumbags she hangs out with, you really have to wonder what Scheer was thinking. 

Now I realize that Scheer himself has been seen hanging out with members of the sinister anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant group La Meute.

But does he really share the twisted fantasies of one of the groups his beloved Blais is said to belong to, the Front Patriotique du Québec?

If so, when can Scheer be arrested?

And if not, why is he doing what he is doing?

And I can only think of two reasons:

One, his poll numbers are slipping.

So he's desperate. 

He knows bigotry is still a powerful weapon in a country full of scuzzy old Trumplings and toxic Trudeau haters who would like to make Canada Great White Again. 

For there is more than a little Trump in him, and doesn't this sound familiar?

So he needs to get back to basics, even if he sets this country on fire.

And two, the bigoted clown Maxime Bernier has him running scared...

So he has to try to outflank him on the right before the Con convention begins.

And of course, try to smear Justin Trudeau again, by whatever means necessary.

For he is desperate, and will do anything to get his grubby hands on power.

And all I can say is good luck with that one. 

Hate speech and the politics of division are creating a "dangerous path" for Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday, as he vowed to steer clear of such roads and to continue calling out those who rely on "extremist" methods to make their voices heard.

For we have a real leader standing up for our country and its values. As well as others like Jagmeet Singh, and Elizabeth May.

So we don't need traitors like Scheer who would sell out those values for a handful of bigot votes...

Or a pat on the head from his Saudi friends.

As I said the other day, Canada is now under attack by the combined forces of the extreme right.

But Scheer just made a massive mistake.

He dropped his drawers, he bent over, and revealed his inner bigotry.

And that naked bigotry will help bring them all down in flames...


  1. Jackie Blue1:31 PM

    I dunno who writes his statements, but it makes it look like he's not only a bigot and a coward, but an illiterate one. How many "official" campaign ads had misspellings in oversized letters? Now we get a statement (in more font sizes than a ransom note) about Trudeau's "vile person insults" -- well, technically Scheer's correct in that Trudeau did insult a vile person, but I'm guessing he meant PERSONAL insults. With all the dark money in the Cons' war chest, you'd think they'd be able to afford a damn proofreader.

    Once again, projection. Nobody has got vile personal insults down to an art better than the Cons, who along with their trollbot army have been so depraved as to harass Trudeau's children and even his dead brother. Add Ezzie to the mix, who made fun of a Liberal MP for wearing a headscarf -- as she was recovering from cancer treatment. No smackdown from Andy on that, though. Or against Lorrie Goldstein of the Toronto Sun, who got demolished on Twitter for making fun of Trudeau crying at his father's funeral and the Auschwitz memorial. Or against neo-Nazi blow-up doll Faith Goldy, who drummed up more homophobia by describing the Montréal Pride event with the Queer Eye cast member as, "the male feminist PM going on a date with another man."

    Anyone? Anyone? Scheer? Bueller? Seems the dog whistle days of summer sure have a lot of crickets in the background too.

    1. Hi Jackie...honestly I don't know what to say. When Scheer can accuse Trudeau of being a bully and doing more to divide Canadians than anybody ever has, we have left the real world and are in some kind of Con Neverland.
      It's madness, and Scheer deserves to be roundly criticized by every decent Canadian.
      Him and his Cons would take this country into the gutter and they can't be destroyed soon enough...

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    That Trudeau bust surrounded by dynamite sticks is chilling. What on earth is Andrew Scheer doing. And how far is he prepared to go to try to destroy Justin Trudeau? The monster must be forced to resign before he causes a tragedy.

    1. Jackie Blue3:20 PM

      And how far is he prepared to go to try to destroy Justin Trudeau?

      Something tells me the desperate Sith cadet in training is clenching his fists in rage and muttering under his breath, "just watch me."

    2. hi anon@2:53 PM...That dynamite photo-shop is just one of many violent graphics that you can find if you wade through the sewer of the right-wing extremists in Quebec. They are not particularly bright, inbreeding has taken a terrible toll, but they are dangerous. And they need to be removed from circulation before they hurt someone...

  3. Jackie Blue3:04 PM

    Update: Simon, this is rich! I just read on Twitter that Andy's going to INDIA??? For... what, exactly? More importantly, WHO'S FOOTING THE BILL?


    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      My gawd, the utter horror, an Opposition MP travelling outside of Canada.....


    2. Jackie Blue6:02 PM

      To "fix" something that his party and the right-wingers in India staged in the first place? Yeah, not buying it any more than when Reefer Madness Batters went and hung out with Jeff Sessions. Wherever Harper's tools go, there's the smell of a rat.

    3. Jackie Blue6:06 PM

      Oh, and how about Harper's clandestine meeting with Larry Crudlow, who we now know has hosted white-nationalist media publishers at his home.


      Gotta stock up on the Febreze and the DampRid, because it's really starting to smell swampy in here.

    4. Hi Jackie...yes, can you believe it, Scheer is going to India. No doubt so he can tell them all how much he hates brown people. I don't have much time for blogging these days, but when I do I'm going to have fun with this one... ;)

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Andrew Scheer must really be desperate. First he's cuddling up with that gnarly bigot Blais, and now he's going to India? The question is will he dare come back?

  5. e.a.f.8:36 PM

    and now Scheer is going to India to "repair the damage" Trudeau did during his visit. He plans to meet with various politicians there. some one ought to notify Indians how Scheer and his fellow Cons feel and think about brown people. Like notify them of Benier's comments also. Lets make Scheer's India trip one he won't forget. Notifying the Indian papers of his racism might go a long way to his have a very memorable trip.

    1. we have a word for this, its treason. Ok to strong, but a leader of the opposition never goes to a country and says I will make things better. WTF

  6. I know there is going to be a post about Trump in the age of guilty convictions and I am convinced it could not happen to a better guy. I just keep hearing the Better Man song Peal Jam song in my head. I think he may be gone to soon because his ultra destructive power never got to go full bore. President Pence get ready to watch a lot of Handmadiens Tale to explain his behavior. Mike Pence as President is the most complelling reason ever to ban democracy.

  7. Anonymous9:03 AM

    CBC Power and P9litics didn’t update their totally misleading opening story Monday by Catherine Cullen, when they had a chance Tuesday.
    I’ll give Lisa LaFlamme and CTV credit for correcting the record last night She said paraphrasing, over the past few days Trudeau has been heavily criticized for calling a heckler a racists. TURNS OUT HE WAS RIGHT! Nice pictures of the Storm group in actionable well. The CBC like Scheer was blinded by anti Trudeau partisanship and personal animus.

  8. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Above comment on CTV.

    John W.

  9. I'm amused by the alt-right demo in Laval, home to a great many ethnicities, associations and businesses. Laval's problem isn't immmigration, it is toxic carcentrism.
