Friday, May 04, 2018

Michael Harris On Why Andrew Scheer Will Never Be Prime Minister

I used to admire Michael Harris. During the grim years of the Harper regime he was a bright candle in the darkness.

But then when Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, Harris started acting weird. 

Started attacking him the same or harder than he had attacked Harper.

And became just another angry old man spewing toxic Trudeau hate in every direction like so many others in this country...

For no sane reason.

While never answering the question if not Trudeau WHO?

Even as the right-wing extremists, religious fanatics, and treasonous Trumplings in our midst, prepare to destroy this country and its values.

So I'm really glad to see that Harris seems to have calmed down a little, or regained some measure of sanity.

And is now confidently predicting that Andrew Scheer will never be prime minister.

Reason number one, Harper deja vu. Canadians got a bellyful of Northern Republicanism with the former prime minister, so Scheer’s attempt to create a GOP-style political base in Canada built on the same values is doomed. It will just remind voters why they dumped these guys the last time.

Reason one it's still the old Harper Party. And anybody who thinks that Scheer would be better for the environment than Trudeau must be seriously deluded.

Reason number two: Mother Earth. Justin Trudeau will eat Scheer alive on the environment. Though the Liberals have broken key promises on this file, and will pay a price in British Columbia for doing it, they have at least recognized there is a problem. 

In an attempt to dampen controversy over dubious pipeline projects, Trudeau has established a carbon-pricing regime. It may not get Canada to its Paris emission targets, but it’s better than burying your head in the tar sands and doing nothing.

We can definitely and must do better, but the Cons would be worse. And perfection is sometimes the enemy of the good and can lead to disaster.

Harris is also right to point out that Scheer's views on gun safety are appalling...

Reason three: Scheer’s gun policy, which will play a part in the next election, is based on the NRA fantasy that the government is somehow coming for everyone’s rifle.

Which like his all consuming hatred of Trudeau is deeply disturbing, and seems more American than Canadian.

As do his values:

Reason number four that Scheer will never be prime minister is his narrow band conservative values. He routinely says that such a charge is just character assassination, but his record speaks for itself.

He's an alt-right sympathizer, a religious fanatic, a misogynist, a homophobe, he will never embody our values as Justin Trudeau does...

Running against Trudeau, the ‘great includer,’ Scheer’s appeal to the electorate will be as narrow as his views.

I'm glad Michael Harris has finally seen the light, I only wonder why it took him so long.

Now let's just hope that we can convince others like him to stop spewing foamy Trudeau hate in every direction.

Criticize him if they must.

But save all their foul hot air for the real enemy... 

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  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I feel the same way about Michel Harris. I too used to admire him, but he really went wacko writing the same column attacking Justin Trudeau over and over again. I don't know who he thought he was writing for, but he lost a lot of supporters and I doubt he'll get them back.

    1. hi anon@4:02 PM...I'm prepared to cut Harris a lot of slack for what he did during the Harper years. But I must admit he has disappointed me with his relentless attacks on Justin Trudeau, and the way he has given the Cons a pass. Hopefully he will now understand the danger we are in, and take aim at the real enemy....

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I think you're too kind to Harris, I think he just lost his mind for some reason. I saw that Harris was quoted at length the other day by the Mound of Sound that so-called "progressive" who wants Trudeau raped in jail. So you know how low He has fallen, We used to have a semi-decent political system until Harper and his political goons turned out parliament into a wrestling ring. And Scheer is just more of the same....

    1. hi anon@5:00 PM...As I said, Harris has disappointed me, but I'm still willing to give him a second or third chance. Although when you tell me that the grotesque Mound of Sound is now quoting him, it does make me wonder whether I have been a bit too kind. ;). But yes, you're right about what the Cons have done to our Parliament, I can barely watch Question Period, and more needs to be done to keep the yapping Cons under control, or teach them some manners. Because they have none....

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Harris was a source of sanity and inspiration during the Harper years. I still like him, but I think he’s just so used to going after people in power, that he just can’t help but maul Trudeau. I hope his future criticism is tempered by the fact that these cons would be the end of Canada as we know it.

    1. hi anon@5:14 As I told the others, he has disappointed me greatly, but I'll still give him a chance to redeem himself. I think he has just realized the danger facing this country, if Scheer, Kenney, and Ford are all elected, and is trying to make up for what he has written before. I wish him luck for we do need people like him on our side...

  4. e.a.f.1:43 AM

    must be some eastern guy,, so who cares. Oh, right you're eastern. Harris just is too far removed from the west to know Scheer won't get the number of votes he will require out west. People are pissed with Trudeau, but he is still way ahead of Scheer. there are a whole lot of reasons as you've outlined, but I believe the biggest is, Trudeau sends cheques to families with kids, who need the money. The best Scheer and the Cons will do, is as Harper did, tax credits and that only benefits the well to do. Try buying groceries with a tax credit. its just so much easier to do that grocery shopping for your kids when you get that cheque every month.

    the votes Trudeau may loose in the next election in B.C. will most likely go to the greens or the NDP, and if push comes to shove, neither party would support Scheer and his Cons. Trudeau is there until he wants to leave or there is a very major fxxk up.

  5. Hi e.a.f...I agree with you, historically most new leaders usually get a second mandate, and with the NDP going nowhere, I think the Liberals must be favoured to win the next election. But the political scene in North American is so volatile, I suppose anything could happen. And to think I was planning to retire from politics after the last election. I must have done something awful in a past life, to deserve this fate. And since it would have happened in the blood soaked highlands of Scotland, I don't think I want to know... ;)

  6. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Harper is gone. We have another government and PM in power now. Like the former PM, Harris is not afraid to hold this one to account, much to the chagrin of Trudeau groupies and paid PMO trolls.

  7. Anonymous2:04 AM

    An ideologue is anyone who agrees with EVERY policy, and EVERY statement that comes out of the mouth of a party's leader.

    Then there are those folks who prefer a certain party, and may disagree on one or more of the party's policies/decisions, but will never admit it to friends, co-workers, in letters to the editor, or on political blogs.
