Saturday, May 12, 2018

Andrew Scheer and the Con's Cowardly Fear Factor.

For many months Andrew Scheer has been making a fool out of himself by trying to scare Canadians with the idea of a carbon tax.

But it's just not working, the economy is too strong.

Unemployment is lower than it has been in forty years, and the good news just keeps on coming. 

So a desperate Scheer has been forced to crawl through the gutter in a desperate attempt to kick the fear factor up a notch.

By trying to hype this non-story.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has refused to provide details on the status of a Canadian former ISIS fighter who made an apparent confession to an execution-style killing in Syria, saying police and security officials are taking all necessary steps to "keep Canadians safe." 

Goodale fielded questions from the Conservatives in the House of Commons Friday about the former ISIS member, who goes by the jihadi nom de guerre Abu Huzaifa al-Kanadi (Abu Huzaifa the Canadian), after he gave a detailed account in a New York Times podcast of firing a bullet into the back of a man's head — a story he now says he made up.

As hysterically as only he can splutter.

Or Candice Bergen can scream...

When it should be obvious that the failed jihadi's story makes him more of a threat to himself than others.

And like all the others, building a case against him for something that happened years ago in the middle of nowhere, would be almost impossible.

Before learning that Abu Huzaifa had retracted his story, former CSIS director Ward Elcock said a confession on a podcast is not enough for police to lay a charge; they still have to conduct a thorough investigation to establish that a crime was actually committed, and to gather evidence to prove the person who confessed actually did it.  

And when the crime in question is a homicide alleged to have taken place years ago in Syria, he said, it can be "enormously difficult" to build a case.

And what he witnessed or experienced is like most of the returnees, his own worst punishment,

But of course the Cons don't care, because all they are interested in is using that case to whip up fear and xenophobia.

For that's all they have left.

But while Canada does face a challenge on its borders, thanks to the brutish behaviour of Donald Trump, there is no reason to get hysterical.

To try to conflate one story with the other is obscene.

And of course we've heard it all before...

The Cons are as desperate as they have ever been.

Their enlarged fear glands are throbbing. Again.

The more things change, the more they don't...

And Andrew Scheer should give up his day job and go to work for Ezra Levant's Rebel, where the fear factor is job one.

For he is clearly too chicken, and too hysterical, to ever be Prime Minister...


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hundreds of years from now when historians look back on how and why Canada became an Islamic Caliphate, this blog will be a great piece of evidence.

    1. Jackie Blue12:46 PM

      More like hundreds of years from now historians will look back on how and why the U.S. became a failed Fourth Reich and Canada became a leading global superpower. Hint: it's because Trudeau resisted fear and the dark side. Unlike Trump and his evident acolytes in the Conadian Republicans, he didn't paint an entire group of 1.5 billion people with a broad brush.

      Go back to Brainfart or Faux News, Rebel scum. Or go rub one out to your deranged fanfic about Chad and Stacy. Canadians are tired of storm troopers like you and the Sith clone Android Sneer making life miserable for everyone else. For that matter, so are a growing number of Americans. We've all had just about enough. Get with the program or get out of the way.

    2. Hi anon 10:39 you have any idea how dumb you sound? Your fear gland must have grown so much it’s squeezing what’s left of your grey matter out of your ears. Why are you Cons such cowards? Do you look for Muslims under your bed before you go to sleep? No wonder people like closet Harper and jelly boy Scheer are your leaders...

    3. Hi Jackie...well said. As you know I try to be as gentle as possible with Cons, but how do you deal with a comment like that one? The stupidity it burns. The Great Canadian Caliphate bwahahaha...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. Anonymous10:35 PM

      The hapless Cons are always worried about the wrong thing. With a birth rate of .75 per person the old stock Christian population will neatly fit into the province of PEI or NFLD in a few hundred years time. The historians will look back and conclude that the Con third world strategy of despair, personal sacrifice and keeping the women barefoot and pregnant was a colossal failure. The results would have been entirely different had they supported a more progressive strategy by ensuring that babies were being brought into a positive caring environment and that women could be both mothers and realize their other personal goals and freedoms at the same time.

  2. Does Andrew not realize that in a democracy the Police are an independent force. They do not work for the goverment of the day. Except maybe when Harper was in power this happened?

    1. Hi Steve....Andrew Scheer is an alt right extremist with very little respect for the law as you and I know it. He should know that his fuhrerling Harper was forced to treat the ISIS returnees exactly the same as the present government does, for exactly the same reasons. But as I said in my post, the Cons are only interested in whipping up racism and xenophobia for they are that desperate and that scummy....

  3. Jackie Blue11:58 AM

    Scheer is such a bigot that Marine Le Pen probably has a "Canadian Boyfriend" calendar with his ugly mug on every page. He should go work for Fox Nazi Channel, as he and his ilk are obviously unhappy being on the wrong side of the border and the wrong side of history. ISIS is so yesterday. The real threat is "Vanilla ISIS," but if the Proud Boys and Paul Fromm's apt pupils were all thrown in jail, the cons would have no one to vote for them. A favorable outcome for the country, no doubt, but not one that's feasible at this point in time.

    Completely unacceptable for this terrorist to be living free in Toronto

    Does he mean Dalek "DESTROY! DESTROY!" Minassian or Ezra Levant? Canadians have more to fear from misogynist Gamergaters who've built a cult around Marc Lรฉpine, and Islamophobic mosque shooters who get radicalized by the hate rhetoric coming from racist fearmongers like Kellie Leech and everyone else in the Rebel scum party.

    100% of terrorist attacks and threats occurring under the Trudeau government have been from Trumpist traitors, white supremacists, rape apologists, and other far-right Waffenwanker trash. A number of whom have threatened to go full Oswald on the prime minister and Romanov his entire family. The call is coming from the right side of the House.

    1. hi're right, right-wing extremists are responsible for most terrorist attacks in North America, but those poor dumb Cons still keep blaming leftists and Muslims. Harper was said to have associated with right-wing extremist groups and the Anti-Racist Collective recently published a picture of him talking to a member of the white nationalist Northern Guard. Something tells me that creepy crawler is going to be forced to resign long before the next election...

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Scheer really is a cowardly scumbag, a liar, and a bigot. If only we could remove the Con’s fear glands, imagine what a better world it would be.

    1. Hi anon@2:08PM...although I have when I was younger beaten up many Con bullies in self defence, I no longer advocate any kind of violence against them. I just hope that medical science will provide us with a drug that shrinks their fear glands which would make them feel happier and the rest of us feel safer...

  5. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Serious question here. You're aware that our ancestors fought and died to keep Muslims out of Europe for centuries right? Why are we allowing them in now?

    Is that why we raided the beaches of Normandy for? To give Europe away to the other?

    1. Jackie Blue5:22 PM

      No, we raided the beaches of Normandy to liberate Europe from Nazi scum such as yourself.

      Judging all Muslims as bad because of ISIS is like judging all Italians as bad because of La Cosa Nostra or judging all Irish as bad because of the IRA.

      I don't judge all Germans as bad because of the AfD, who are Nazis by any other name. I just hate the AfD. Maybe stop being a bigoted asshole and you won't get judged as one, how about that?

    2. Serious question here, you realize that Europeans under the banner of the Church invaded the Islamic nations for several hundred years, and recently that they seized Islamic lands they had no true claim to and gave them to Israel in 1949?

      We fought at Normandy and other places to stop the spread of Fascism, and to protect our civil liberties and freedoms, including those enjoyed by Muslim Canadians and other ethnic nationalities and religions. If you thought it was to keep Europe pure I regret to tell you that your side lost.

    3. Hi anon@2:43...Lordy, is there a full moon out there? Is Ezra Levant in heat and calling on his followers to do to him as they would do to others? Or are you just unbelievably ignorant. My ancestors fought to keep the English out of Scotland, and on or over the beaches of Normandy to drive the Germans back to Germany. Times change, and the only way we are going to survive is if we all learn to live together in peace...

    4. Anonymous8:13 AM

      further the Filcher - the Muslims and Jews coexisted for centuries until ... you guessed it ... fundamentalist Christians!


    5. Good thing we didn't keep Muslims out of Europe. They gave the West things like algebra, astronomy, chemistry and arabic numbers. How uncivilized can you get?

  6. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I like the idea of neutering them like animals, but there is a better way. I recently read about a study where a group of Cons in the U.S. were subjected to intense group therapy aimed at dealing with their darkest fears, and making them less afraid. And guess what it worked, and most of them at least were turned into liberals/Democrats. So it can be done, and hopefully one day it will be a compulsory course in all our schools.

    1. hi anon@4:01 PM...I read about that study too, and I wished I had saved the story because I found it absolutely fascinating. I once believed that Trump supporters were beyond redemption, but apparently many of them at least are not. They are just ignorant and frightened, and if they can be reassured they can be brought out of the darkness and into the light. It may take more patience than I can muster, but at this point I am willing to try anything...

  7. If you take a pych test and check off there will never be war, you will not be hired. No one want no war.

    1. hi Steve...I agree that war is a stubborn beast that is deeply embedded in the minds of many men. But I don't think women share that bad gene, which is why I believe that only they can save us. The truth is this world can't take any more wars, and that only by peacefully joining forces can humans hope to survive...

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM

    A pych test? Really? Maybe you should repeat yours?


  9. Anonymous8:40 AM

    As for the carbon tax, the cons don’t want it because it is a tax that increases costs to consumers (right?), but they are okay with Trump pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord which then caused the price of oil to increase by the equivalent of a $50 per tonne carbon tax. And, of course, threatens world security.


  10. The so called ISIS guy has told at least three different stories ( we don't know what he said to CSIS and other cop groups ) . He may just be an attention seeking wanabee.
