Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Con Media and the Aga Khan's Island

It's the last thing I needed to do at this time of the year. Stare at a picture of a lovely Caribbean island with all that light blue water and all those warm sandy beaches.

While freezing my butt off in Canada.

But unfortunately that's the Aga Khan's private island, Justin Trudeau and his family had a short holiday there last winter.

And our grubby Con media is trying to turn a slap on the wrist by the Ethics Commissioner into a huge scandal.

When it couldn't be more ratty or ridiculous.

The Ethics Commissioner has ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke Canada's ethics law over two all-expenses-paid family trips to the Bahamas, rejecting the assertion his host was a close friend and dismissing his rationale for accepting helicopter flights to the private island.

Or more trivial.

Only in Canada would somebody question whether the Aga Khan was a close friend of Trudeau or not. When he has known him since he was a boy, and like Fidel Castro he was a pallbearer at his father's funeral.

As for using a helicopter to get to that island, that's also a manufactured controversy too petty for words.

It makes our parliament press gallery look like the Duchy of Grand Fenwick in the movie The Mouse That Roared.

Which as I told my Twitter followers, reminded me of how I felt about the way  Rosemary Barton reacted to the scandal when it first broke... 

And explains why she looked like a shabby Con rat jumping all over Trudeau yesterday in a most unseemly manner. 

And with the same kind of heated indignation as Rona Ambrose exhibited when the "scandal" first broke and she fired off this tweet:

Only to be made to look like an absolute hypocrite.

Or a total idiot.

So this latest Aga Khan eruption is just more of the same, and even more evidence that while Canada is a big country, some of its people are really small.

I happen to believe that a Prime Minister of Canada has the right to vacation anywhere he or she chooses, and to get there by whatever way they like.

And it isn't as if others haven't taken advantage of the Aga Khan's hospitality.

So for the Con media to try to smear that well known philanthropist, only tells you how disgusting they are.

And what a fake scandal it is.

It's revealing that only a few hours after the story broke, it wasn't trending on Twitter or anywhere else, and although the dotards in the Con media were running around with their pants around their ankles, they were only stimulating themselves.

Most Canadians just couldn't care less.

Which is a warning to those who might seek to profit from this contrived scandalette,

The more you are seen trying to beat up on Justin Trudeau for no good reason, the more popular he becomes, as Andrew Scheer is already finding out.

As his polls go through the ground.

And will no doubt learn even more painful lessons, as Trudeau cruises to another crushing majority.

How small are some people in Canada? How scummy are the Cons and their bought media?

And how great is this Prime Minister...


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The more they shriek about faux scandal, the more likely it is that people will tune out a real scandal if it ever happens.

    1. Hi anon...there is only one real scandal at the present time: the hiring of Hamish Marshall,the co-founder of the hate mongering Rebel, as the Con's campaign manager. At a time when hate crimes have tripled, there could be nothing more disgusting. Dirty lousy Con bigots when will they stop swimming in their own excrement? When will they be charged? When will they be jailed?

  2. As far as I can see, Trudeau was technically in the wrong but I suspect my reaction is, "So what?" He and his family were having a winter vacation at an old friend's place.

    I am sure it never crossed his mind to have the PMO check out every potential, vaguely possible conflict of interest just for a visit to old family friends.

    I suspect most Canadians who are even aware of the issue feel the same.

    In a way, I hope the Cons keep this up for a while and make themselves look even more petty and irrelevant.

    1. Hi jrkrideau...if he was technically in the wrong, something I question, he was criticized by the Ethics Commisioner, and he has apologized. But what I object to the most is the sight of the Cons, the NDP, and the Con media trying to make that story bigger than it really is. I actually heard Cons today screaming that Trudeau should RESIGN over this nothingburger of a scandal. Now I know Cons are not very bright, and they are easily stirred up, but that's ridiculous. The only person who should resign is Andrew Scheer for hiring someone from the bigot Rebel, and trying to turn the Cons into Canada's Trump party...

  3. When the fit first hit the shan, I goggled pictures of the island. Far from being the luxury resort the reformatories were yelling about, it looked like a 50's California motel. Then I saw ads for luxury resorts where waiters walk on water going for $1500 a week all in. Ambrose was shrieking $7500 a week a head. How silly.

    1. Hi rumleyfips...When Trudeau went down to Bell Island he had just completed a long and exhausting first year in office. He was just looking for a place where he could get away from the media and relax with his family. The media hated the fact that he didn't take them with him, and that accounts for a lot of the hate. The Con media in this country are so disgusting they are like they are in the UK a clear and present threat to our democracy...

  4. Jackie Blue10:22 AM

    Your store-bought media hacks keep ignoring the far bigger story: not National Lampoon's Christmas Island Vacation with the Aga Khan, but the monstrous mutation of the party of Diefenbaker into the...

    MAGA Cons.

    I can just see Scheer putting on his Captain Kirk (or Captain Jerk) sweater and yelling at the top of his lungs when he realizes this empty void of a nontroversy has no bearing on his abysmal approval ratings either. (If he can still fit in that sweater without a few pairs of man-Spanx to hold him in. But I digress.)

    It may even make Justin Trudeau appear to be the victim of a "deep-state coup" himself (especially with the Trumputin administration either causing or influencing tribble-trouble all over the world), and only further galvanize support around him.

    All together now -- pull the lever on the See-and-Say with the barnyard animal noises and ask, "What does Andy the Pig squeal?":


    1. Hi Jackie....I think you hit the nail on the head. If our Ratty Con media had the ability to look at the big picture, and they weren't so corrupted, they would realize the big story is the way Scheer or Schmear is turning the Cons into Canada's Trump party. For nothing threatens the survival of Canada more than that. Those aren't Canadians they are traitors, and they must be destroyed if Canada is to have an independent future....

  5. He should not have done it. But it was not grimy sleazy violation. He saved the taxpayers a lot of money even if it was technically unethical. I am not sure what influence the aga Khan has. My view of him is that he is mostly a charity civilization advancement kind of guy, a blood relative of Mohammed.

    When Harpo spent millons on a trip to the Taj Mahall it was okay with everyone. When Harpo spent millions painting the airplane conservative colours it was fine.

    If JT had been fetted by the Chinese, like cons senators, or Isreal like all the cons, I would be upset. If the Aga Khan, Dia Lama, Eldon Musk or Richard Branson invite JT for a holiday, it should be no problem.

    1. Hi Steve....what I find most offensive about this teeny scandal is the way the Cons, the NDP, and the Con media are trying to make it sound like something huge. It's not, it's trivial and anyone who can't see that is half idiot half moron. It makes Canada look like a big beautiful country full of tiny little grubby people. And that's not my Canada...

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    ‘You happen to believe’ and that’s the best you can do? Trudeau violated the rules, it doesn’t matter what you believe, it matters what he did.

    He was caught, and looked like a deer in the headlights when questioned. Some leader.

    Expect more Simon, expect more.

    1. Jackie Blue2:03 PM

      None of this is relevant in the long run. "It matters what he did"? What he did was to not dwell on or obsess over this report like the cons and their propaganda outlets undoubtedly will. What he just did, in fact, was to save Canada's ass from going down in flames with the pariah state below the 49th and the 51st State of Apartheid over in the middle of the desert, right as the winter holy days are in full swing. Sunny ways, my friend. Happy Solstice.

      Like I said, nobody cares about the Aga Khan when the bigger threat is the MAGA Cons. It's literally yesterday's (fake) news. A lesser leader — namely Harper or Scheer — would be fellating Trump and Bibi right now, instead of bailing on the American sh!tshow and standing up for diplomacy against the playground bullies who think they can just walk right up and grab other countries by the whatever. "Je ne suis pas une marionette. No puppet, no puppet, eh. You're the puppet."

      Justin said sorry, which is what Canadians are known to do, and then moved on to biglier and more important things. Yes, he is "some leader," and a damn good one at that. Rather have him in charge than his cat-hoarding dictatorial predecessor, or the Nazi-sympathizing altar boy who "happens to believe" that God himself appointed him the chosen messiah replacement, or any of our own Kremlin Koch Kleptokrats, including the gold-tainted hotel magnate and his slumlord colonialist son-in-law. Would you like some Dijon mustard on your nothingburger? How about a side of freedom fries? As Clara Peller, the old lady in the famous 1980s Wendy's commercial once asked, "where's the beef"?

    2. Hi anon 12:14...having a Con tell me to "expect more" has to be a bad joke. The "scandal" is nonsense, most Canadians don't give a damn, and it will only help Trudeau become even more popular. When Con scum try to smear or Schmear two decent men they only shoot themselves in their webbed feet. You Cons would cut our throats in a jiffy if you had a chance, and we are going to destroy you lowlife scumbags first...

    3. Hi Jackie're right, only Cons with their tiny brains, and large fear glands, could condem a leader for taking a holiday at a friend's place. But then as I have pointed out they are desperate. Scheer has in just six months lost two Con seats, his polls are falling like a stone, and the more people know about him the less they like him. Trudeau on the other hand is a real leader, he is incredibly popular, collecting Con seats like trophies, and is heading for another crushing majority. I don't blame the Cons for wanting to jump off a bridge or a high building, but would they please keep their angst to themselves...

  7. Anonymous1:09 PM

    So if Stephen Harper had done the exact same thing, would you still feel the same way about ‘the rules’? Or is there one set of rules for Justin and the one set for everyone else?

    Oh, do you mind if I toss in some laundry before you start to spin?

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      If Harper had done the same thing the ethics commissioner would have been well aware that their reputation would be destroyed and they'd be fired if they dared to disparage "Dear Leader".

    2. Hi anon....actually may I suggest that you stick your head rather than your laundry in the dryer, because you just don't get it. This teeny "scandal" is a nothingburger and will be quickly forgotten except by your desperate Cons stuck with their Rebel Fuhrer in the bunker. Harper did things that were a thousand times worse. He should have got jail time for some of them, like the contempt of Parliament finding or the Duffy scandal. If he could get away with murder, Justin Trudeau should be able to laugh his way all the way to another thundering majority....

    3. Hi're so right. If the Ethics Commisioner had ruled against Harper, she would have been fired, and then audited by Harper's minions at the CRA. While other Cons picket her house and expose themselves For among other things many of them are perverts. I know because I get hundreds of comments from them too foul to publish. To think that the Con media is supporting those bigots is simply unbelievable and not something I can accept...

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    It is as you say a nothing scandal,. Stephen Harper was found to be in contempt of parliament a much more serious charge that could have resulted in prison time. The Cons ignored the finding and have no right to complain about anything.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Actually they went on to win the election and dispatched the NDP and Liberal leaders to their graves....political and actual.

    2. Hi anon...yes, the contempt of Parliament was the most serious charge ever levelled against a Canadian prime minister, and he should have been removed from office in handcuffs. So as you say the Cons have no right to complain about anything, and just STFU...

    3. Hi anon 2:04 pm...oh great, so Harper was found guilty of contempt of Parliament, but because he won a majority government later that year all is forgiven? So if Canadians were willing to overlook that grievous conviction do you seriously think they will make Justin pay for his trivial offence? Or will they also give him a thundering majority? Honestly, I know Cons are dumb, but if you lose a few more IQ points we are going to have to water you...🙄

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Thank you Simon for representing the views of most Canadians. You don't call Scheer Schmear for nothing. However you should also go after the NDP because they are just as bad.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Savaged by a dead sheep, I think you mean.

    3. Hi anon 1:32...You're welcome, but I'm only doing what I wish other progressives would do but don't. Sometimes Progressive Bloggers is so full of Con-like dotards it might as well be called the Blogging Tories or the Blogging Seniles. As for the NDP, I will have something to say about them soon....

    4. Hi anon 2:02 pm...I'm sorry I had to delete your comment ,but I have a lot of comments to answer so I have been forced to cull all comments from Cons. They add nothing to the discussion, and they smell like shite or Ezra Levant...

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I see Schmear is on his high horse again Simon, howling to the few who would listen that JT doesn't think the rules apply to him. Uh, earth to Schmeagol, did you miss his apology? Did you listen to his apology? Not that it would matter.
    Here's an idea for your future graphics inspirations Simon. I think the Cons should open up a fast food joint and call it McCONalds, with the specialty being, of course, The Big McNothingburger. Two all roadkill patties served up with mouseturd, Katshit and Hamish and a nice moist scandalette to wipe away the drool and tears.
    I can picture the reviews already, "Eewww", "Tasteless", "Sour and bitter", "No substance", and my favorite, "Someone please dial 911!".

    1. Hi JD...yes the loser Schmeagol is on his high horse again, or should that be on his high rat? He really is a sleazy scumbag, and my prediction that he could be worse than Harper is making me look prophetic. He is a truly disgusting human being, and I mean it when I say that Canada will not be safe until he is forced to resign...

  11. Yvonne4tn3:24 PM

    Simon did you see this video of the warm embrace from the Aga Khan to Justin Trudeau a few years ago. Here is my twitter response

    1. hi Yvonne...thank you very much for that clip that shows the Aga Khan greeting Justin Trudeau like a long lost son. If you don't mind I'll use it in a future post....

    2. Yvonne4tn11:22 PM

      Wonderful Simon. Thank YOU for your blog.

    3. Yvonne4tn12:48 AM

      Here is a much better copy of that same video.

    4. Hi Yvonne...thanks for this, but I think I'll use the first one because it's quite a bit shorter, and my posts are always too long. And thank you for all your excellent work fighting the Con bastards...

  12. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Its all been so boring, first they tried to frame him as an effeminate drama queen not ready for a manly job, then it was a stint as a closet Islamist plotting to bring in Sharia law now its a corrupt elitist, whats next! Where are the suitcases stuffed with money, senator bribes, shackled MP's,courtesans selling water to the natives,Pierre Poutine, etc...? Not even a Steele dossier or a Trumped up multi million dollar Benghazi inquiry like our more flamboyant neighbors to the south. I know its winter in Canada and things are slow but it can't just be the Cons that have the market cornered on good old fashioned corruption.
    I am sure the little pissers inhabiting the Schmeargol's inner circle are assuring him not to panic as its all going according to plan and when they stitch it all together in a targeted avalanche of Twitter, Facebook and benevolently sponsored media stories no voter will be able to resist.
    My view is Trudeau should spray them with a toxic mixture of media dispersed pesticide before their eggs hatch but he is too principled for that. So far he has been right by just letting them eat themselves but its hard to believe that all of the Liberal MP's are squeaky clean and the high road without any defensive action can be a dangerous path with so many swamp creatures lurking in the ditches.

    1. Hi RT....I don't know if I would call it boring, but you have brilliantly summed up the long and disgusting history of bullying the Cons have aimed at Justin Trudeau. I hate bullies with a passion, I have to be restrained from attacking them, and I have never seen anything like it. Harper and his cowardly thugs poisoned our political environment with their ghastly attack ads, and Scheer is just carrying in this lowlife tradition. It's not the Canadian way, so I am glad to see that the Liberals are finally starting to fight back, judging by the new ads on their website. I know Justin is too decent to get down and dirty, but you have to fight back against those Con bullies or they will eat you alive...

  13. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Awesome! I love what Canada has become. Nothing better than taking the subway in Toronto and being the only white person on board. How progressive.

    1. Hi anon....what on earth is your problem? I'm white, so are most of my friends, and none of us feels threatened by diversity. We love it, and think it makes Canada a more interesting place. We have our traditions (Scottish) but are happy to share them, and enjoy the traditions of others. And their food yummy yum yum. I urge you to open your mind before you become nothing more than a miserable racist....


    I have been forced to delete about half a dozen ugly comments from Cons so far today, so I think it's only fair to make one thing clear: I am not the slightest bit interested in hearing from Con scum. Their reptile brains and their enlarged fear glands make them only capable of mouthing Con or Trump talking points, or grunting like beasts. So if you are a Con, please deposit your fecal deposits at places more suited to receive them like the comment sewers of The Rebel. Or Ezra Levant's giant piehole. Thanks.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      lmao just thinking of some ugly, angry cons sitting at their computers grunting

  15. Interesting development today. The Commissioner of Lobbying ( who knew ), Karen Sheppard released a letter september 2 stating that the Aga Khan is not a lobbyist and the Lobbyist code does not apply to his dealings with Canadian officials.

    Mary Dawson either knew of this decision or is incompetent. A decision by the Commissioner of lobbying on a question about lobbying must trump the opinion of the Ethics Commissioner.

    This is twice ( Morneau , Trudeau ) in the past few months that Dawson has made a harmful mistake.
