Friday, April 22, 2016

The Late Remorse of the Con Barbarian Kellie Leitch

I'll never forget this picture of Kellie Leitch taken during the last election, shortly after she launched her Barbaric Cultural Practices campaign.

And about the time she realized what a monstrous thing she had done. And what a terrible mistake she had made by selling her soul to Stephen Harper.

And now that she's running for the Con leadership, she wants us all to know that she's really really sorry.

And blubbering accordingly. 

Tory leadership candidate Kellie Leitch became visibly emotional while trying to explain her decision to front the launch of the Conservatives tip line for reporting barbaric cultural practices during the recent federal election.

"I've had a lot of time to think about this since the campaign took place and if could go back in time, which I can't, I would change things," Leitch said. "I would not have made that announcement that day.

And no doubt shedding a tear or two for the state of her campaign AND the state of her campaign manager.

Ontario MP Kellie Leitch’s bid for the leadership of the Conservative party has been dealt a major blow with the arrest of her campaign manager on impaired driving charges.

As well as worrying about what her new leader Rona Ambrose is going to say...

For daring to criticize something Ambrose also supported, and reminding Canadians about the barbarism of the Cons.

But sadly for Leitch no amount of remorse, or enough tears to fill a gold fish bowl, can excuse what she did...

For some things are unforgettable. And too horrible and un-Canadian to forgive.

If there was any justice both her and Chris Alexander would have been charged with hate mongering.

And if she really wants to show she's sorry, she should apologize to those she hurt.

And quit the Con leadership race, for she is unfit to be the leader of anything.

She sold her soul to Stephen Harper...

It was a monstrous thing.

And she deserves to go down with him...

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  1. Anonymous5:29 AM

    "I would not have made that announcement that day." In other words, I would have made it the day before or after.

    Sounds more like quibbling about details than remorse.

    1. hi anon....yes, and to make matters worse she tried to justify her motives, and won't say who came up with that bigot idea, so for all we know it could have been her....

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Well, I still don't think Canadians would touch her with a ten foot pool, unless it's to whack her on the head.


    1. hi TS...well I don't think so either, but she is a practicing paediatric surgeon, so imagine her photo-ops, and until Kouvalis resigned she had a formidable organization, that would do anything to win. So she can't be discounted completely...

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    After seeing Kellie turn to jelly during her "performance" it's safe to say the Academy Award for best actress next year is still wide open.
    The fact is if Ms. Leitch had any conscience at all, and given the fact that she's supposedly a doctor, she never would have had anything to do with Harper's moronic snitch line. Too little too late Jelly Kellie.
    It is however, nice to know that the report a drunk driver campaign is working so well.

    1. hi JD...I agree with you completely. The racist nature of the campaign should have been immediately obvious, and no decent Canadian would have had anything to do with it. The fact is that like Rempel, and even though she is a doctor, Leitch hasn't an ounce of human empathy. And what you see brimming over is just her naked ambition....

  4. she is still filled with reefer madness

    1. hi Steve...yes, along with Droner Ambrose she is now the chief spokesperson for the Great War on Marijuana.One more ratty feather to stick in her cap....

  5. One just has to imagine, that if Harper had won, that tip line would now be firmly installed. Muslims would be harassed, arrested and deported, because after all, everyone knows that's who the tip line was directed at. They are who Leitch needs to apologize to. That will never happen of course, because in order for her to have agreed to announce the launch of the conservatives tip line for reporting barbaric cultural practices, she crossed a line. It was a line involving ethics, decency, human rights and integrity. Once crossed there is no stepping back. One just has to imagine the injustice and suffering that would ensue if her tip line went through. In announcing that launch she told Canadians everything we need to know about her.She is a woman with 0 integrity who in her obedience to Harper was prepared to cause untold pain and fear to a targeted group of innocent Canadians, Muslims. Now she is shamelessly running for the leadership of the con party.She needs to go away. Far, Far away, where Canadians will not even have to look at her. You're right Simon."It was a monstrous thing."

    1. hi Pamela...I hate to imagine what Harper and his Cons would have done if they had won the election. But it would have been a nightmare and Leitch is shameless. It was the worse thing I have ever seen a government do, along with the Great War on the Niqab, and the fact that Leitch thinks she should be rewarded for that is absolutely mind-blowing. But as you say, they crossed the line, it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and it did help defeat them...

  6. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What's Kouvalis doing in the insignia of a naval lieutenant?

    1. hi anon...I don't know, one can only hope it was a fancy dress ball with Leitch coming as herself, which is scary enough. But then he was the Captain of the Ford Campaign, and you know how that story ended....

  7. My theory about Leitch is that, in addition to being troubled by no scruples whatsoever, she is a bit autistic. She seems unable to connect with people on a social level, has a tin ear about how offensive the things she says are (except in your above example, Simon, no doubt prompted by her naked ambition), and appears to be totally lacking in empathy. She would have proven a good running mate for Ben Carson.

    1. hi Lorne...yes there is something peculiar about the way she reacts. And yes I believe it's just a total lack of empathy, mixed with raging ambition. Remember she was the first Con to declare her candidacy just a few weeks after Harper stepped down, and had to be restrained by the others and told to wait for a decent interval. But that's what makes them Cons and they just can't help themselves...

  8. Anonymous2:46 PM

    perfect name Kellie "LEITCH" quite fitting!!!! Love the self serving crocodile tears!!!!!!!!! How long has she been leitching of the overburdened, hard working Canadian taxpayers? Lining her pockets with our tax dollars whilst no doing anything in return. I think she must have had a doctor friend of hers surgically remove her moral compass....... and they say doctors have ethics..... Kellie Leitch proves "they" are wrong on that one!!!! LOL LOL

    1. hi anon...I know, the fact that she's a doctor, who still does her rounds once a week, is particularly troubling for me. A doctor without empathy is a poor doctor indeed...

  9. e.a.f.9:53 PM

    She's just sorry she g

    She isn't sorry for the position she took,
    She is sorry she got caught. She is an educated woman who enjoyed the best this country had to offer. to support harper and his "barbaric practises" line was plain stupid, in my opinion. there were no "barbaric practises". It was a thing because it was politically expedient. If she did it once, she will do it twice. She is not to be trusted, ever. I'm not keen on Conservatives, but she for one, is just not some one I would ever want to see in a position of authority.

    1. hi e.a.f...yes, as I said aboive, I believe her naked ambition made her lose her moral compass, and now is making her lose her political judgement...

  10. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Anyone ever uses the term "Barbaric" are usually projecting their own vile internal subconscious drives, onto other innocent people for their own convenient purpose.

    It was the Vandals who coined the word "Barbaric", after the Vandals themselves had "vandalized" the Barbars - and the Barbars, due to only natural human nature - struck back...and now both vandalizatioin and barbarism are the common tool of both of their distant offspring - the Conservatives...

    Name Calling - the Eternal Hallmark of the offspring of both leading bizarrely to the modern, insecure, cowardly, closet hiding snitch lining Conservative, having to be blaming someone else all the time, for their own faults...

