Tuesday, March 01, 2016

The Syrian Refugees and the Miserable Michelle Rempel

Well the 25,000th Syrian refugee has arrived in Canada. I couldn't be happier or prouder.

And I thought John McCallum was right to say that despite some delays in getting them all here, and problems finding them permanent housing, it is something to celebrate. 

“Many countries … are making it more difficult for refugees to come in,” he said. “We’re among the few countries saying, ‘No, come on in.’”

But don't expect Michelle Rempel, the Con's shadow minister for refugees, to join the celebration.

Because there she was the other day on CPAC calling the achievement a miserable failure.

And claiming that the refugees had only exchanged one refugee camp for another.

Even though she never treated those desperate refugees like people, or even numbers.

She always treated them like a deadly threat...

She did all she could to make sure they never got here.

And whatever that ghastly Con says now, the arrival of all those refugees is something to celebrate. 

Justin Trudeau was right to challenge us to bring in so many so quickly...

And we should also be celebrating the way so many Canadians greeted them with open arms.

Like the dentist in Kingston, Ontario, who stepped forward to help this little girl...

By ending her pain.

Or the family in P.E.I. who gave up their holiday money to help welcome them to Canada's smallest province.

Or the people in Coquitlam, B.C. who worked so hard to furnish an apartment...

So a refugee family could finally have a place to call home.

And what must really be bothering Rempel, is that those stories and so many others are a testament to our Canadian values.

This past weekend, Canada welcomed its 25,000th refugee as the country opened its door to families displaced by the Syrian civil war. It’s a remarkable achievement and a testament to core Canadian values that should be recognized and celebrated.

The hundreds of communities and thousands of individual Canadians who have stepped forward to sponsor and welcome refugees are further proof that as a society we are prepared to “walk the walk” not just “talk the talk” of openness and generosity.

The values that Rempel and her depraved leader Stephen Harper tried so hard to kill...

So while we do have a lot of work ahead of us to make sure that all those refugees feel not just safe, but happy in their new country.

Let's take some time to celebrate them AND ourselves.

And give thanks that we defeated those miserable Con bastards.

And that our precious Canadian values are still alive...


  1. If you search the origins of the surname "Rempel", you will find that it is of German origin. Obviously, at some point in the past, her spouse's family emigrated to Canada.

    1. Hi political junkie...well that's reassuring. So when his ex-wife claimed he kept a stash of Hitler's speeches on his bedside table he must have only been researching his ancestral roots. I feel better all ready... ;)

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Thanks for this post Simon. The contrast of Con manufactured fear with bravely directed Liberal promise and action is so refreshing.

    This is a defining achievement for Canadians - one that we can all be very proud of. This generous humanitarian undertaking grows the shriveled heart of our country. The horrors of the Harper regime are greatly lessened with these actions. I believe our future has been brightened for us all.


    1. hi Bill...you're welcome. I always believed that hope would conquer fear and now that it has I thought we should celebrate that. The Canadian response to the refugee crisis has been truly heartwarming, And it seems that our Canadian values were hardier than the Cons imagined, and they did survive those nightmare years. And yes the future does look a lot brighter and a lot more Canadian....

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Awww, poor Michelle, it must be hard not conveying her true feelings like "it's too many", "they're all terrorists", "they should be Christians". Suck it up Princess, if you don't like it, jump on your broom and head south to join team Trump where you can spew what's really on your mind.

    1. hi JD...yes I know it is pathetic. She didn't even bother to tweet a single line on her prolific Twitter feed about the 25,000th refugee, which as the Con shadow minister for refugees seems extraordinarily small of her. But then she is a partisan beast and its always only about her...

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    She is miserable and must live in a world of shit. What she doesn't understand is that she is a refuge of sorts herself. For she is hostage to her own negative thinking and emotions that must surely be eating her away inside.

    We look upon images of people rescued from a hopeless existence, due to our efforts, and enjoy the warm glow sweeps over us as we take pride in our Canadian values. She on the other hand, only sees hate, and disdain.

    At this point I am at a loss trying to figure out what makes her happy, if anything. What a waste of a white privileged life she is.

    1. hi anon...she's miserable because the Cons lost, but still lives fairly happily in her little world. Soaking up compliments from some besotted members of the MSM, and always making it sound like she's more important than she really is. If you remember she was thinking of running for leader once. But sadly for her, nobody is talking about that anymore....

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    A great gift to 25000 people, and an uplifting gift to millions of caring Canadians, Simon. We would still be spinning our wheels on the refugee situation if Harper was in power, so I laugh when the Rempel claims it is a failure.

    1. hi anon...it is a gift to those who as I have mentioned before, are some of the poorest refugees in that tormented region. And I like to think a great gift to ourselves. We always talked about restoring our Canadian values, and that's a great step in the right direction. And yes if the Cons were still in power thy would still be inventing excuses to do nothing...

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Trading one refugee camp for another? She must think we are as daft as she is. I don't think she has any clue as to conditions of the camps they came from. Imagine this Michele, you are about to give birth to your first child, and you are completely on your own? Just try Michele, to imagine what these people, who are no different than you or I, have been through. This is a funadanmenat Christian value. I guess she is another type of Christian that I am not familiar with. David Duke?


    1. hi TS...I don't see Rempel as extraordinarily evil. She's too stupid to be a real villain. But she is extraordinarily selfish. She has never showed even the slightest empathy for the plight of the refugees, and everything is always an excuse to engage in cheap politics, and shamelessly promote herself. Once I thought she might be better than that, but how wrong I was...

  7. Far more of the refugees are rapees than rapists.

    1. hi lagatta...of course they are, and the attempts to smear all the refugees by making it sound like they are all like the beasts who went on a rampage in Cologne is absolutely disgusting. They were single young men while our refugees are almost all families. But Ezra Levant is presently in Cologne making a series of videos so our right-wing beasts can't control themselves either....

    2. I've seen prosperous single young men (you know the type - from the West Island) embark on a hockey riot here. I knew the best thing to do was get away as quickly as possible.

      There hare been some pretty ugly incidents at Oktoberfest in Munich as well, involving "old-stock", white German lads, and I'm sure some Brits, as alas they have a terrible reputation for getting far too drunk and violent. Not excusing the violent Cologne gropers in the slightest, but sadly sexist violence, as well as heterosexist violence against LGBTQ people, is far too common in such mobbing situations.

  8. Rempel calling the refugee intake a failure. I think the refugees would disagree.This is a malicious, petty, envious woman, who is posing as an MP. I can't imagine having her as my MP. I would frankly be embarrassed. We no the bar is very low when Rempel gets voted in.

    1. Anonymous11:30 PM

      We 'no'? Was that an attempt to look smart?

    2. hi Pamela...yes petty would be a good word to describe Rempel. Shallow, full of herself, and as I mentioned above without the slightest bit of sympathy for anyone but herself...

  9. e.a.f.10:44 PM

    Poor Rempel, just doesn't get it. "trading one refugee camp for another", obviously Rempel has never been to a real refugee camp or any of the ones people stayed in, in Jordon. Living in a small apartment in Canada is still better than living in a tent with no privacy or running water, etc.

    Lets suggest Rempel go live in a refugee camp for a week and see if she still feels the same.

    Canada did the right thing! We did good and we will continue to do good.

    1. hi e.a.f... yes, as far as I know she has never visited a refugee camp, so has absolutely no idea of the horrible conditions people are forced to endure for years. And we did do the right thing. We brought in twice the amount of refugees in just four months than the U.S. has in years. And I think we should all be proud of that...

  10. Anonymous5:51 AM

    The irony is Remple's Calgary riding of Nose Hill is comprised of probably more non-whites than whites eg. first and second generation Indo Canadians, Asians, etc.

    1. hi anon...that's interesting, I didn't know that. And I must say I'm surprised, because Rempel's Twitter feed, shows no evidence of that. It's whiter than white, with Rempel looking like a Con Goldilocks, or Maria in the Sound of Music....

  11. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Just wait...you'll find out why it won't work..just wait and 2 fist buttertarts in the mean time
