Monday, February 22, 2016

Donald Trump and the Lord of the Pigs

As you know, when Donald Trump began his campaign for President of the United States I thought he was just a bad joke.

And it was just another insane bigot eruption in the so-called Land of the Free.

But now that he appears to be closing in on the Republican nomination I'm forced to take him seriously.

Now with every day that passes I consider him more crazy and more dangerous.

For that is crazy stuff, this does make him dangerous.

He is the Lord of the Pigs...

Or worse...

And if by chance Trump does become President
it really would be lights out...

And the good news? 

After witnessing that insane spectacle I still cling to the belief that whatever candidate the Democrats choose will be able to beat him.

And I'm still hoping that it will be my man Bernie...

But I am also forced to recognize that the U.S. is now a very sick society.

I can't forget the look on the face of the Statue of Liberty when it first arrived in America...

As if it wasn't sure that it was really in the Land of the Free.

So now I believe that anything could happen...

But at least now there can be no illusions.

The Donald is dangerous.

He must be stopped.

And he is the Lord of the Pigs...

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  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "the U.S. is now a very sick society."
    And sadly as hell for us also, we now have the Toronto Star gushing over trump. Fuck the u.s.: what the hell is happening to us when we take an idiot like trump seriously? Our own society is going down the same shitter the u.s. already did.

    1. hi anon....the Toronto Star is gushing over Trump? Are you sure? I find that very hard to believe. Also, while we do have some of the problems the U.S. has, growing inequality, poverty, racism, etc etc. I think we are still a much healthier and less violent society. In fact as the Presidential race continues, I think our country and its new government, can only look better and better...

  2. This could end in civil war, no justice no peace!

    1. hi Steve...nobody can predict what will happen in the superheated U.S. Presidential race. Or the extremely dangerous world we live in. But I still don't think that Trump will get elected, so I think your predictions are a bit pessimistic...

    2. Hillary VS Trump be afraid

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    There are a few things I like about Trump. He's not a bootlicker. He is not pro Israel. He does not want to make wars. He can't be bought and that's power and so corporations can't tell him what to do because he's bought and paid for because he doesn't need their dirty money like say, Clinton, for example, who supports GMO and making endless wars. Trump tells it like it is. With Clinton, expect a third world war but her supporters can't see that. I don't have to tell you who her supporters are. War mongers, all of them. Between Clinton and Trump,I believe Clinton is the biggest danger. How about a little blog on Clinton, the liar and the cheat! Anyways, politicians are politicians and people need to vote and there are times when it's easier than others to pick a candidate. In the end, they all do what they want once they're in. Trump is not any worse than anyone. The American people are sick and tired of endless wars.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I agree, the Americans are tired of the 1% dominated politics and are looking for change.Given his competition, Trump is actually the best of a bad lot and in typical Trump fashion is playing the crowd. His direction can change in an instant but once you have released the genie it can be difficult to stuff it back into the bottle. Perhaps its possible as his supporters seem to have the attention span of a gnat.A real danger is how the outside world interprets his ramblings but its actually no more insane than past US foreign policy.
      Go Bernie Go!!

    2. Trump wants to bring back US jobs which have been offshored.
      He's opposed to the TPP.
      He says the war on Iraq was a big mistake.

    3. hi anon 8:52...Hillary Clinton does have her faults, and I'm supporting Bernie, but either of those two would be better than Trump. Trump has raised racism to a new level, most of his comments are designed to be inflammatory, and after the two videos I ran in this post, I think he's mentally unstable. So I could never support him...

    4. hi RT...maybe Trump is better than the other Republicans, but to believe that a billionaire with his record can come to the aid of the poorest and the weakest is hard to believe. He is playing to a powerful desire for change in America, and no doubt many believe he can deliver. But I still think the Democrats are going to run away with the election...

    5. hi Hugh...all candidates running in the U.S. Presidential race are against the TPP. Which is by the way the reason I don't think it will be ratified in Canada. But while he may believe that the war on Iraq was a big mistake, his belligerent talk might only inflame the ones that are being fought now. So I'm sticking with Bernie...

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Ironic that the Republa-Cons are victims of the own propaganda. Their story line was ... Americans be very afraid but we will protect you,all you have to do is turn over all you rights and freedoms (to the 1%) in exchange. The Trump message is ... Americans lets do something about your fears all you have to do is turn over all your rights and freedoms to protect the State as embodied by its Fascist motto "Strong Proud Free" or something similar. The end game is the same for the average person but control goes from the 1% to a new group of Trumpa-Cons... not likely to happen without revolution.

    1. hi this stage in the life of the planet I believe that any serious change will require a revolution, and all that remains to be seen is whether it will be a peaceful one or not. And while Trump can sometimes appear like an entertainer, schmoozing his way to power, I urge everybody to take a look at the way he reacted when the lights went out. For the way the unexposed event seemed to drive him temporarily crazy is very disturbing, and not the kind of quality I would want for a man with his finger on the nuclear button. And a man like that can very easily become a fascist...

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    [O]ne of the two eventual winners of the New Hampshire primaries assailed the power of corporate lobbyists over the U.S. government, labelling them “bloodsuckers.” He attacked defense contractors for forcing the government to buy missiles it didn’t need. He blasted oil companies and insurers. And he vowed to use the bargaining power of the U.S. government to drive down drug prices.... [He] called for abolishing the carried-interest tax loophole for hedge-fund and private-equity managers. He’s vowed to protect Social Security. He’s called for restrictions on highly skilled immigrants. Most important, he’s rejected free-trade ideology, suggesting that the U.S. may need to slap tariffs on Chinese goods to protect American jobs.

    As you may have guessed, that man wasn't Bernie Sanders.

    1. hi anon...If Trump is the one who believes in all those things I would be pleasantly surprised. But the problem is that the way he behaves, I consider him to be a classic demagogue. You can't trust them to keep any of the promises they make during an election campaign. And his inflammatory racism strikes me as mentally unbalanced, and definitely dangerous...

  6. The Mad World of Donald Trump (2016)

    The Mad World of Donald Trump (2016)

    Another Trump doc from MSNBC:

    1. hi David...thanks for those links. Because although I only had time check out one of them, it did remind me that for some reason I forgot the man's ghastly misogyny. For which I am still shaking my head and wondering whether I'm losing my mind. And I was also reminded how he bullied some Scottish people to build that hideous golf course, so forget it Donald... ;)

  7. e.a.f.2:07 AM

    That man wasn't Bernie Sanders, well that is correct because Bernie Sanders understands how economics works and isn't into the big lie. Trump will say just about anything to anyone. What ever breezes through him mind at the time.

    trump and Sanders both are leading groups who are fed up with how things are being done in the U.S.A. and want change. its just that Trump is leading the dumber, uneducated Americans who will grasp at anything and share Trump's racist attitudes.

    If Trump is elected we can only hope there is a wall across our border with them. We will have to ensure the gun happy idiots are kept out of Canada. On the other hand we might want to get ready to welcome several million refugee claimants from the U.S.A. and that includes if Cruz is elected. the Republican front runners and their anti gay attitudes will force many Americans to leave their country.

    if Trump were to be elected I would not be surprised if he is "unelected" by the American generals who don't want to give him the "code". some one that crazy he'd miss the target and hit France. He and ISIS run about neck and neck when it comes to crazy. different versions, but both crazy.

    1. hi e.a.f....I agree. Both Sanders and Trump are tapping into a wave of discontent in the U.S. But while Bernie can be trusted to do his best to bring about real change, I'm afraid I can't say the same for Trump...
