Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Day Stephen Harper Went Off the Deep End

As you probably know I have become increasingly concerned about Stephen Harper's mental state.

Since he's now at the age when the first Harper to arrive in Canada went off the deep end, and had to be forcibly removed from office.

So madness does run in the family. Those plunging oil prices have exacted a terrible toll on his nerves, by shattering his delusions of grandeur as the legendary leader of Greater Albertonia.

And sure enough, today he went completely CRAAAAAAAAAZY !!! 

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has retreated further from his pledge to regulate carbon emissions in the oil industry, saying it would be “crazy” to do so at a time of fallen crude prices.

“Under the current circumstances of the oil and gas sector, it would be crazy, it would be crazy economic policy to do unilateral penalties on that sector,” he said. “We are clearly not going to do it.”

Breaking his NINE- year-old promise to regulate the industry, and in a most disturbing manner...

By claiming that he can't do anything until the United States does, even though he's always claiming that "Canada is a leader not a follower."

Even though the U.S. and China have just concluded an historic deal to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Even though the cost of regulating emissions couldn't be lower.

Economists say proposals to set a limit on carbon emissions for the oil sands would cost producers less than $1 a barrel. On Twitter, University of Alberta economist Andrew Leach said Mr. Harper appears to be suggesting the oils sands “are within $1/[barrel] away from disaster.”

And even though doing NOTHING to stop the planet from burning. Or melting.

Melting Antarctic glaciers that are large enough to raise worldwide sea level by more than a meter are dropping a Mount Everest's worth of ice into the sea every two years, according to a study released this week.

Is the very definition of INSANITY.

But then so suddenly did he jump the shark, that he obviously caught his gaping stooge Leona Aglukkaq by surprise at the climate change conference in Peru...

“Our record speaks for itself. We have shown that it is possible to protect the environment while supporting economic growth.”

Still claiming outrageously that Canada is an environmental leader, still making a complete fool out of herself, and still embarrassing us in the eyes of the world...

But believe it or not, Stephen Harper's own insane climate change denial performance wasn't the only crazy thing he did today. 

In his role as Julian Fantino's babysitter, or wet nurse, he lunged over the deep end and actually DISOWNED the so-called new veteran's charter.

The new veterans charter, a marquee deal defended and championed by Stephen Harper's Conservatives since 2006, suddenly became a "Liberal policy" Tuesday as the government weathered more demands for Julian Fantino's resignation.

After once praising it so effusively:

"I want our troops to know that we support them. This veterans charter is one example of our government's commitment," Harper said on April 6, 2006, the day the legislation was enacted. 

 "Our troops' commitment and service to Canada entitles them to the very best treatment possible. This charter is but a first step towards according Canadian veterans the respect and support they deserve."

And really, what more can you say eh? If you believe in a more decent and sane Canada.

Except that the man is clearly mentally and morally unfit to remain in office.

And that for our safety, and the future of Canada and the planet.

He must be removed from office, like the first Harper.

As soon as is humanly possible...

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  1. I emailed Cathy Jones of CBC-TV's This Hour Has 22 Minutes and suggested for next week the cast do a new version of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy", with "Harper" singing it:


    I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
    There was something so pleasant about that place.
    The Tar Sands look just like Hiroshima
    In so much space

    And when I'm out there
    Without a care,
    Yeah, I am out of touch
    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
    I just knew too much

    Regulations are crazy
    That would be crazy
    That would be crazy

    And I hope that you like all the carbon emissions
    It's my decision, so feel my derision

    Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
    Ha ha ha bless my soul
    I always know I'm in control

    Regulations are crazy
    That would be crazy
    That would be crazy


  2. e.a.f.2:54 PM

    Unfettered capitalism is good. the environment won't be permentely damaged, god won't allow it? just ask harper and his cons.

    Aglukkaq is simply out of her league and another harper stooge. The impression she leaves is she just doesn't care about any body but herself and is so self involved she can't get her nose out of the newspaper to deal with the business of the country.

    Good on Elizabeth May for keeping us informed.

    They can call for Fantino's exit from now until the next major cabinet shuffle but it won't happen. Now Fantino is damaged goods and harper has no interest in having another cabinet minister exposed to the same damage. He will leave Aglukkaq and Fantino where they are. They will be the sacrificial lambs come election time. As long as the beast remains in office, he will "sacrifice" who he needs to, without regard for the damage to this country.

    The Veterans are expendable. They are no longer useful to the harper and his version of the military. Same for the First Nations women. They are of no use to him or his corporate friends. They don't vote for him. The more First Nations people, the more difficult it will be to eliminate First Nations and their land holdings, etc.

    During all of this, there have been some protests, but the type of protests we saw against nuclear bombs in the 1970s just don't happen in Canada anymore. If they did, perhaps we would see some changes, but until those types of protests occur, nothing will happen.

  3. The Hansard transcript is not exact.

    Harper actually said "crazy" twice:

    "Frankly, Mr. Speaker, under the current circumstances of the oil and gas sector, it would be crazy, it would be crazy economic policy to do unilateral penalties on that sector. We're clearly not going to do it."

    I can imagine Harper singing this new version of "Crazy" at his next fund-raising event for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers or the Sun News Network. Here is the revised set of lyrics:

    Crazy (with apologies to Gnarls Barkley; aka Danger Mouse and CeeLo Green)

    I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
    There was something so pleasant about that place
    The Tar Sands look like Hiroshima
    In all that space

    And when I'm out there
    Without a care,
    Yeah, I am so in touch
    But Ban Ki-Moon, he don't know enough
    But I know too much

    Regulation is crazy
    That would be crazy
    That would be crazy

    And I hope you're not counting those carbon emissions
    Don't think twice, that's my only advice

    Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
    Ha ha ha bless my soul
    I know that I'm in control, well

    Regulation is crazy
    That would be crazy
    That would be crazy
    Just like me

    The climate guys say our lives are out on a limb
    And all I remember is thinking, don't want to be like them
    Ever since I was PM, ever since I was PM it looked like fun
    And it's no coincidence I've come
    To thank my Party of One

    Regulation is crazy
    That would be crazy
    That would be crazy

