Monday, September 22, 2014

Stephen Harper and the Climate Change Revolt

They marched in Canada, they marched all over world, and in New York it was one of the biggest demonstrations that city has ever seen. 

Legions of demonstrators frustrated by international inaction on global warming descended on New York City on Sunday, marching through the heart of Manhattan with a message of alarm for world leaders set to gather this week at the United Nations for a summit meeting on climate change.

More than 125 world leaders will be attending the summit meeting, answering  Ban-ki moon's call for urgent action. 

Time is running out. The more we delay, the more we will pay. Climate change is accelerating and human activities are the principal cause...Climate change is not just an issue for the future, it is an urgent issue for today. Instead of asking if we can afford to act, we should be asking what is stopping us, who is stopping us, and why?

But Stephen Harper will not be one of them.

Because even though he will be in New York this week to address the U.N. General Assembly, he's sending Leona Aglukkaq.

You know Leona...

The climate change denier posing as an Environment Minister.

Who was recently seen trying to explain why she isn't doing anything to control greenhouse gas emissions. 

By repeating her PMO talking point "We gotta get it right." as many times as possible...

I mean does ANYBODY think she knows what she's doing?

So why is Harper sending that Con clown, and Big Oil stooge, instead of going himself?

Answer: Because he is the Big Oil stooge dictator of a pariah nation, and he'd rather talk about Ukraine and ISIS. 

So he can pose as a Great War Leader and continue his relentless pursuit of the ethnic vote.

And if there was any doubt of that, look who he's taking with him...

His very own propaganda team.

You know the boys and girls from 24/7 !!!!!!

Brought to you by the Con Ministry of Propaganda and Disinformation, and paid for with OUR dollars.

Which tells you all you need to know about Harper's visit to New York.

And at a time when the world is facing this situation:

Last week, meteorologists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that this summer — the months of June, July and August — was the hottest on record for the globe, and that 2014 was on track to break the record for the hottest year, set in 2010.

Leaves us facing the cold hard reality that we have an environmental criminal as a Prime Minister, who is willing to torch the planet in the name of short-term greed, sabotage any agreement to step up the fight against climate change.

Turn his visit to New York into a propaganda show.

And would almost certainly welcome this news. 

“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State … kill him in any manner or way however it may be..."

Or for that matter a terrorist attack on Canadians.

Does ANYBODY doubt that?

So he can pose as a Great Strong Leader...

In a statement released Sunday evening, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's spokesman condemned the recording and said Canada will continue to support efforts to defeat ISIS.

"We will continue to work with allies to push back against this threat. Like our allies we will not be cowed by threats while innocent children, women, men and religious minorities live in fear of these terrorists."

Make us believe that ISIS is a greater threat to the planet than climate change. And that he is the only one who can protect us.

From them AND Justin Trudeau.

And really what more can you say about a man who would ignore the real threat to the future.

Two high school seniors from Long Island, Kirsten Cunha and Alexandra Dos Santos, both 17, marched with dust masks over their mouths. “Wearing masks like this could quite possibly be our children’s future,” Ms. Dos Santos said.

And condemn the young to live like this...

Except that climate change is becoming a bigger and bigger issue.

Now it's a REVOLT.

And we shall use the rising anger against him in the next election. We shall use it to mobilize the young to help crush him and his planet burning Cons beyond  recognition.

And of course, we will make sure that every Canadian understands that while he's always been disgusting.

And the most depraved leader in Canadian history.

Now he's DANGEROUS...

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