Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Julian Fantino and the Continuing Con War on Canadian Veterans

I don't think I'll ever forget the sight of Julian Fantino running away from the wife of a wounded veteran who just wanted to speak to him.

And how Jenifer Migneault finally threw up her arms in frustration and despair and shouted at the retreating minister:

"We are NOTHING to you."

It was so powerful, it stunned me like a concussion grenade.

And how right she was.

For what else is anybody supposed to conclude from this disgusting situation? 

A new report by Canada’s veterans watchdog says nearly half of the country’s most severely disabled ex-soldiers are not receiving a government allowance intended to compensate them for their physical and mental wounds.

Veterans ombudsman Guy Parent also concluded that those who are receiving the permanent impairment allowance, along with a recently introduced supplement, are only awarded the lowest grade of the benefit.

And what are we to think about a minister who would close veteran's offices, go after pensions and healthcare plans?

And is now nickel and diming our wounded soldiers while claiming they've never been better off.

Fantino told a House of Commons committee last spring that some permanently disabled soldiers receive more than $10,000 per month, but figures from his own department show that only four individuals in the entire country receive that much.

According to figures released by Veterans Affairs in June, some 521 ex-soldiers are deemed to be the most critically injured, but the vast majority of them — 92 per cent — receive the lowest grade of allowance support.

Answer: not much. 

Because nothing can excuse his appalling behaviour, and it couldn't be more disgraceful or depressing.

But then why should anybody be surprised? When Fantino has more important things to do than caring for the wounded or the disabled.

Like going after Justin Trudeau:

In his usual shameless manner.

And he always has been, is, and always will be, the WORST Veterans Affairs Minister  this country has ever known...

But then you know how I feel about him...

And here's the good news:

Veterans across the country are organizing to teach Fantino and his equally shameless leader Stephen Harper, a lesson they won't ever forget.  

A network of veterans across Canada is planning a co-ordinated campaign against the Conservative government during next year’s election.The plan is similar to the ABC campaign — urging people to vote Anything But Conservative — waged by former Newfoundland and Labrador premier Danny Williams.

“When the election is called, you’re going to see some large fallout, believe me,” said Sydney veteran Ron Clarke. “As soon as the writ is dropped, we are in action.”

I think they could have a huge impact on the campaign. By shaming those Cons wherever they go.

And of course I'm with them all the way.

I couldn't be more honoured to join those who helped keep Canada free, to help liberate our country from the filthy Harper regime.

And I'm really looking forward to celebrating VC Day (Victory in Canada Day) with them eh?

Woo hoo !!!! Freedom !!!! Freedom !!!! Canada !!!! Canada !!!!

Because it really is time.

And enough is ENOUGH...

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1 comment:

  1. "It doesn’t make sense to set aside cash to deal with a problem and then not spend it, Parent said."

    In most governments and with most (rational) gov'ts this would be true but it makes perfect sense for the Con/Hfarper gov't. Every penny not spent on programs can be applied to deficit reduction --the Cons' holy grail.

    While this "may" be the most egregious example, from the little I have heard underspending (lapsing) is chronic across departments.
