Monday, June 24, 2013

The Wonderful Saving of Far Enough Farm

Two years ago I first told you the story of Far Enough Farm, the beautiful little hobby farm on the Toronto Islands. A gentle story book place if ever there was one. 

I told you how the brutish Con ogre Rob Ford was trying to destroy it for no good reason.

And how I was worried that some of the humble animals that live there might have to put down if the farm was shut down, because nobody would want them.

Especially the old ones like my sentimental favourite Jake the donkey...

The Eeyore of Far Enough Farm, seen here waiting patiently, like only a donkey can, to be let into his stable for the evening.

And since I couldn't let that happen, because I love animals and gentle story book places too much, I joined the campaign to save the farm.

And among other things, I made this little video...

Which when I look at it again, clearly reflects how sad I was feeling.

When I wasn't cursing Rob Ford and every other bastard Con who ever lived. For being so dim-witted, so mean, and so UGLY.

But guess what? I'm feeling a lot better now eh?

Because thanks to pressure from the public, a deal was made, the farm was saved. And although I wasn't happy to see it foisted upon the owners of little vintage amusement park next to the farm, I'm happy to report it didn't just survive, it's thriving. 

There are all kinds of new animals...

Like Perky the potbellied pig, a llama, and a miniature donkey.

As well as this beautiful, and very friendly, six-month-old Jersey calf...

And best of all, the Eeyore of Far Enough farm has a new friend.

Or should I say has a friend.

Because Jake is 43-years old, and like the original sad-eyed donkey prefers to be alone, studiously ignore the other animals, and look miserable.

But this afternoon as I was standing there I saw the friendly calf stick her head over the fence and start licking his head...

And the old grump just stood there LOVING it.

Can you believe that eh? Is that a happy ending or what?

Oh well. After that I went off to the dragon boat races...

And although Seb's team lost all the rowers were awesome. Especially since it was brutally hot.

And at the end of the day, lying there on the beach with my buddy, I was so happy I felt like EVERYTHING was possible. Even in the horror of Harperland.

And not because I had too much sun eh? But because I really believe it.

If we go for it, if we work hard, we can do it.

Today we saved the farm.

Tomorrow we'll save Canada...

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  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Simon, such a lovely, uplifting piece. Rare these days when I get so discouraged. Will these cons ever stop their war on us?


    1. Hi Cathy...Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I enjoyed being able to share some good news for a change. And I'm thrilled that farm seems to be thriving because it really is a a beautiful little place and well worth preserving. As for the Cons, I don't expect ANYTHING from them anymore, if I ever did. And their war on us will only end when we defeat them. It can't happen soon enough...

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    OMG, thank you for this. Made me smile amidst my troubles (failing parents and crazy goings on). Something is right with the world.

    1. hi anonymous...I'm sorry that you are going through some trouble times, and glad that I made you smile. I should have run some of the other pictures I took of the calf licking Jake's face, because they were so cute and funny they would have made you laugh. I find laughter helps me to deal with my own problems, and the horror of living in Harperland. And yes I thought that too. Something is right with this world. In fact, at first I thought this is so good I can't believe it... ;)
      All the best...

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Nice work, Simon.

    1. hi anonymous...thanks...I'm quite proud of all the people who got together to keep the farm from closing down. It should be safe until long after I've left TO, and hopefully it will go on forever...

  4. Stewart9:11 PM

    Hi Simon,
    Yay...good news!! I have visited the little farm a few times on visits to Toronto and absolutely loved it there. The animals are so sweet. It always feels like I'm visiting a summer camp, and is gets dark and the strings of lights are lit it seems quite magical.

    Congratulations and thanks,

    1. hi Stewart...yes good news !!! Can you believe it? I was shocked myself. I think that the first winning cause I've ever been associated with. And I take it as a good omen for bigger things ahead. But yes it is a beautiful little place, and I'm so glad we were able to save it. Of course, the only way to assure its survival, and the survival of this city, is to remove the oaf Rob Ford from office. But I'm already making plans for that one... :)

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I love this story Simon!!! Thank you so much for posting it and for your efforts to keep the farm open. Those photos of Jake were worth the price of admission. I'm so happy he's found a friend!

    Danbury, CT
    (but originally from Montreal & have a whole bunch of relatives in Toronto)

    1. hi Margaret...I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was really nice to write a story with a happy ending for a change. And I'm also glad you like the photos of Jake. He's a real character and I really love him...
