Monday, December 31, 2012

Harperland and the Horror of 2012

Golly. It's hard to believe that the horrible year of 2012 in Harperland is finally almost over.

And that I'm still standing.  

For if on this day in 2010 I wrote this:

It was the worst of years. The year when the crazed tyrant Stephen Harper ripped a giant hole in the fabric of Canada, chewed on its heart and its liver, and lied through his bloody teeth.

This year was even WORSE. 

The year when the Cons showed their true colours, stripped off their human costumes to expose their furry bodies, and started humping this country and its values, in a frenzy of depravity.

For whatever our hapless MSM and other surrender monkeys might say or write in the Kingdom of the Big Lie, it was the most sordid and sinister spectacle in the history of this country. And anybody who thinks differently should check their democratic pulse, or examine their morals under a microscope to see if they still have any.

But I don't want to relive that nightmare tonight. After 387 posts this year I think you know how I feel about the Con regime. 

Tonight I'd rather look at the bright side eh? Like the fact that judging by the way he has been acting recently, or looked in his Christmas address.

Great Ugly Leader is in even worse shape than I am...

And who can blame him eh?

The stench of pork is hanging over his head... 

So are the police...

It's not easy for a Con to be branded as a stooge of the Chinese Communist Party...

And as for Great King Kong Leader's ill gotten reputation as a "money manager."

Well that one went down with this one....

So while 2012 may have been a horrible year, nobody can deny it wasn't useful.

The Con brand has been seriously damaged, and I can hardly wait for the exciting moment  when the wings fall off, and the Harper regime goes down in flames. 

Mayday!!!! Mayday !!!!

But for me the best news of the cursed year of 2012 was the fact that so many Canadians took to the streets to demand change. First in Quebec, and now all over the country with the Idle No More movement. 

For it could lead one day to a Canada-wide revolt against the Con regime, and contribute mightily to its destruction in the next election. 

Which is why as I plod through the snow, on my way to 2013, or to borrow a cork screw to help me forget 2012, the future seems brighter than it has been for a while...

Thank you for reading my blog. Thanks for all the encouragement. If every now and then I got a smile out of you, in the darkness of Harperland, I would be more than satisfied.

And of course thanks to Sébastien, for without his love and support and patience none of this would be possible. 

Happy New Year everybody !!!!!!!

The harder the struggle.

The sweeter the victory...

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  1. Happy New Year, Simon! Your posts make me smile and think on a daily basis.

    1. hi Bejing...thank you and Happy New Year !!! Making progressives like you smile is reward enough, but making you think is an unexpected bonus... ;)

  2. there's just no quit in you .. is there ..

    from the flatlands of Ontario .. I say

    what remarkable, passionate defense .. pride

    Oh Canada ..

    We need to awaken thousands like you ...

    1. hi salamander...thank you, and no I don't know when to quit. Not when faced with bullies like the Harper regime. We will awaken thousands, and sooner or later we WILL defeat them...

  3. Keep on keepin' on. With just a little luck, Stevie will get run over by the omni-bus. Navigable Rivers may just wind up flushing the little yumpum down the drain.

    1. hi edstock...Yup. Keep on keeping on, one foot after the other, today is grim, tomorrow will be better. The little yumpum? I love it. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it...;)

  4. Replies
    1. hi Ron....what? You want the yumpum too? Get a number eh? But thanks anyway...

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Love you Simon! Keep up the great posts. We're all in this together to fight this tyranny and assault on our nation by one who seeks to destroy it. No less than treason -- how do we charge him?

    1. hi anonymous...thank you, and you're right we're all in this together and sooner or later we will get our country back. As for how do we charge him...I don't know but I volunteer to be the prosecutor AND the judge, and you can be sure he won't get off lightly. I'm thinking thirty years, double bunked with Vic Toews.... :)

  6. Happy New Year, Simon. Yours is one of my favorite blogs. Power to the People. Thank-you for your determined hard work.

    1. hi Robert...thank you and Happy New Year too. And yes Power to the People. The Cons don't know what that means, but don't worry they will...

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Happy New Year Simon from Vancouver Island. Your posts are much appreciated. Thank you for all your efforts.

    1. hi hornby...thank you, and here's to beautiful British Columbia. From coast to coast to coast fighting together until the day of victory....

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    From Julie.

    Love ya Simon. You always hit the Harper treachery nail, right on his fat head.

    May you and Sebastien have, a wonderful New Year.

    1. hi Julie...thank a lot, I must admit I have been a bit down recently, but reading all these wonderful comments makes me feel so blessed. Or better than I deserve as Sebastien might say. ;)
      Happy New Year !!!

  9. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Thanks for the great posts. Bonne Année.

    1. hi anonymous...merci beaucoup, et Bonne Année a vous aussi...

  10. These posts of yours are great Simon. Truthful and funny. The revolution has to start some where. And soon.

    1. hi wazz...thanks a lot. I know some people think I'm too idealistic i.e. naive. But when I ask them do you think the world can continue down this same path to destruction? And if not now, when? They don't have an answer so I'm sticking to my plan.... ;)

    2. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Nah, Simon your just a leftwing sucker. Plenty of those in Quebec, plenty of those. Lol

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Harper is an ass, plain and simple. I'm embarrassed to admit there was a point in time when I supported his party. Well, no more. I'm sick and tired of seeing countless trolls bash FN people, it makes me sick. And the fact that Harper contributes to this makes it even worse. I can't wait until the next call from a Tory canvasser. Man, are they going to get an earful. It truly is disgusting how these idiots would rather play games and blame the victim rather than make the tough choices to fix this mess that's build up. If a rape victim spoke up would they blame the victim for the situation rather than the perp? That's pretty much what these people seem to do. Clearly there is a huge gap in intelligence and understanding here as these trolls obviously have no clue about FN, treaties and how the reserve system works.

    I've worked with many young (not so young) students who are now in college or university and who overcame great odds to get where they are today....and yet they constantly have to fight with one hand tied behind their backs and are saddled with untold amounts of bullshit brought on by successive governments, bureaucrats and other racist fucks that tries to drag them down. I guarantee that if these ass clowns escaped their urban cocoons for a day and got to experience just an inkling of what I've seen though my own eyes they would change their tune pretty damn quick. It ain't pretty, trust me.

    Good job, Harper! I mean really, When even a northern Alberta oil worker transplanted from conservative rural Ontario doesn't support you anymore, you know you've sunk to all new levels. Enjoy your time in office, because in the next election I will do all in my power to go 1993 on your pompass ass.

    1. and iggy would would tax us to hell, so that you leeches can party for free, and get free food while we work are butts off for you to be leeches on society!

      the NDP would have been just as bad,

      liberals have NEVER been able to produce a leader that was a true canadian, or even one that actually cared for our freedoms, at least harper does care a bit about our freedoms!

      the government owes YOU NOTHING, society owes YOU NADA! if the government should happen to want to help your though school be GRATEFUL! it is UP to YOU to be productive, not up to the government to give you money! nor is it up to the government to ensure you have a job! FIND ONE YOUr FRIKIN SELF! if your too lazy to work then you deserve no money!

      the question is "not what can the country do for you, but rather what can YOU do for your country?" you liberal leeches, seem to enjoy thinking you deserve everything! SUCK IT up YOU DON"T!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Mattias......I'm not sure why you think I think the government owes me something. Actually, scratch could give me back all my hard-earned money this corrupt government has pissed away but I won't hold my breath on that. Funny how you can draw conclusions about a person you know nothing about. I've worked my entire adult life. I work in Fort McMurray buddy so trust me I make much more than you do, if that's so important to you.....and my house is assessed at close to double the Canadian average. Good enough for you?

      I don't apologize for wanting integrity in my PM or for believing in a society where we take care of our weakest members. I guarantee you I have more experience working with FN people than you will have in 10 life times.

      Nice little American quote at the end there. Ya, the Americans are such a paragon of virtue! Dumbass!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Update...Ignatieff is long gone. So what exactly is your point?

      Nice rejoinder there! So to follow your own fucked up logic if the NDP formed a government you would move to, say, Arkansas? Perfect. Bye.
