Monday, July 02, 2012

Stephen Harper and the Conada Day Horror Show

I tuned into the Canada Day show on Parliament Hill today just as they were playing God Save The Queen. 

And just in time to see Great Patriotic Leader proclaim that we should all be happy and proud to be Canadians.

In his remarks, Harper told the crowd that Canadians have much for which to be proud and thankful. "Proud of a strong and growing economy, proud of a caring and compassionate society...

Which made me laugh so loudly, I expelled a large piece of bagel with such force it flew through the air and hit the TV screen just below his left nostril. Which was disgusting but strangely appropriate. Even if it was the wrong nose hole.

Because who would ever describe Harper and his ghastly Con regime as caring and compassionate? When not even the children are safe.

And who could ever expect us to be proud of living in a stinking sewer like Harperland? Only the Booger Man eh?

But wait, it gets worse. After mumbling some inanities about the War of 1812, and some bubbly stuff about the Queen's Jubilee, came the ultimate horror:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper also found himself caught up in the spirit of the day. As the events drew to a close, he was prompted by the crowd chanting his name to change his mind about getting into his car and ran off to shake a few more hands. 

He waded into the crowd, and to my shock and disgust, they greeted him like a ROCK STAR !!!!!

Can you believe that? What's wrong with those yokels in that stuffy village by the Rideau? I realize the crowd was carefully screened by the RCMP.

Thousands of people were forced to stay on Wellington Street by RCMP, who let only a trickle of visitors past the gates for the noon show, the CBC's Peter Mansbridge reported.

But why couldn't they be like the real Canadians at the Skydome in Toronto today, who when Harper's Canada Day message was played to them, booed it LOUDLY.

Or like the people who made #denounceharper a major trend on Twitter.

Or like the crowd at this massive gathering.

Because I was there with my friends, and hundreds of thousands of others. And I can GUARANTEE you if Harper's message had been played to them, the boos would have been heard from St John's to Vancouver.

But then that's why Stephen Harper is still in power eh? 

As long as he can fool enough idiot Canadians into thinking he's a nice guy, or a real economist, or make them bubbly with emotion over our colonial history, or the military, or the mindless activities of a foreign monarch.

He'll keep winning, and we'll get the government we don't deserve...

Happy Conada Day everybody !!!

Ottawa how could you?

I hope you enjoyed the fireworks...

As for me, because I love this country eh?

I'll only celebrate Canada Day again.

The day the Cons are defeated...

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  1. The fireworks video was a perfect example of how the SH ReFormaCons are behaving in Parliament - noisy, destructive, pointless and . . . out of control.

    1. hi sassy...that's exactly why I included it. I thought it looked like a hoggy Con picnic. Although I have to say that we must bribe the fireworks firing doggie to come over to our side. Because that was my favourite scene, I practically fell out of my chair laughing. And we need all the help we can get... ;)

  2. Hi Simon Nothing Harper does is spontaneous His glad handing the crowd smells stage managed right down to having the chosen few available to cheer him

    1. hi're absolutely right. I should have mentioned that.I should know by now that Harper is incapable of any spontaneous gesture. No wonder they locked out so many people, to make it look like Great Patriotic Leader is basking in the love of his people. Personally I find the very idea of people being kept off Parliament Hill for no good reason just one more outrage, and I'm surprised the MSM has made a bigger deal out of it...

  3. Simon, you are clearly more strongly constituted than I am; I was only able to watch about twelve seconds of the nauseating display of Harper 'pressing the flesh' with the rabble. I share your bewilderment about those who beamed in the presence of Dear Leader.

    As well, isn't it interesting how Mansbridge almost parenthetically reported how only so many were permitted on Parliament Hill while the rest were confined by the RCMP to Wellington Street. I guess such exclusionary practices are the new normal in Harper's Canada.

    1. hi's not that I have a strong constitution it's that he caught me at a vulnerable time.I was still in bed, recovering from the night before, and didn't have the strength to crawl out of the room.;)
      And yes I also noticed the very brief reference to the crowd that wasn't allowed on Parliament Hill. I was surprised that nobody elaborated on the reasons, leaving us to conclude it was for security reasons. These days they can justify anything on security these days. All I know is they should have a very good excuse to keep people off Parliament Hill, and I'm still waiting to hear it...

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Maybe the flesh pressers were the same rent-a-lineup who were at the citizenship ceremony.

    1. hi anonymous...the way the Cons have politicized the immigration department I wouldn't be surprised.
      I wish somebody would check up on who those greeters were, but I'm sure nobody will, and life goes on in Harper's Kingdom of smoke and mirrors...

  5. Is Canadian media's oath to Harper gagging them from reporting on the biggest twitterstorm in Canadian history?

    Yesterday #DenounceHarper topped the Twitterverse all day and night. Sustaining a top hashtag for longer than any twitterstorm. Sharing top spot with #CanadaDay on Canada Day, #RenounceHarper trended #1 tweet throughout the day. Canadians Rock! :)

    1. hi Kim...they did write a few stories, but today I understand that some of our "pundits" were bemoaning the gesture. Instead of seeing it as a sign of how unpopular the Con regime is becoming. But then why should we be surprised? Their bosses demand corporate tax cuts, so what is a poor "journalist" to do? If we're going to mobilize Canadians we are going to have to mobilize them ourselves...

  6. the video about the Grey Cup included some quick military images. Did you see it and did you notice? Do you know how one can you get a hold of the video?

    1. hi Judith...I didn't notice that, but again I'm not surprised. The Cons have been melding the two as they do in the United States. And of course Don Cherry is always mixing sports and war. I don't know how to get hold of the video. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it makes it to Great Leader's website. I'd go and check it out for you, but I don't want Vic Toews to start reading my e-mails... ;)

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Mont Simon,

    I am embarrassed any more to be Canadiajn.,

    On Canada day I went to centennial park for the celebration, what a disappointing joke.

    I was removed by the local crime squad AKA RCMP for wearing an upside down canadian flag with my writing "Ban Harper" and I was very peaceful?

    The thugs stink.

    1. hi anonymous...I don't know what right the RCMP have to interfere with free speech, but since we live in Harperland, I suppose they don't need one. Rights are an elusive concept. What's good for the Cons, is a crime for the rest of us....

  8. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I love the images that you include with your writing; they are entertaining.
    And I think you've achieved greatness with Harper as the Queen - that's exactly what he'd look like if he were a woman (and I don't mean to insult Liz). Stevie would wear the crown 24/7 - brilliant!

    1. hi anonymous...I wish I could claim the credit for the Queen photo shop, but although I make most of them myself, I borrowed that one from a supporter of the Quebec student movement, and added my embellishments...

  9. Hmmmm, isn't part of our usual Canada Day celebrations the swearing in of new Canadians. I have not heard any word of this happening at event on the Hill.

    I guess doing so would attract too much attention to the recent changes to immigration and refugee laws.

    Harper is destroying our country. #DenounceHarper indeed.

    1. hi Beijing...I wouldn't be surprised if the crowd included a group of new Canadians. Having taken the citizenship oath in Jason Kenney's office, and then being ordered to go and thank Stephen Harper personally...or ELSE.
      But yes, Harper turning a Canada Day ceremony into a giant photo-op is simply outrageous. And denounce him we will...

  10. e.a.f.1:52 PM

    You are stronger than I. I have to turn the t.v. off when Stevie Slime comes on. I am so sure I'll throw a brick at it.

    O.K. what is with the Bev Oda resignation. Is more sh@t about to hit the wall or what?

  11. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Why must every PM hijack Canada Day in order to tout their "accomplishments"? You know you've sunk to new lows when even Albertans roll their eyes. Not owning a gun myself, I suppose I could dose the goof in bitumen ( we seem to have a ready supply around here) instead. Perhaps the Chinese will buy him and we can be rid of him.
