Monday, February 20, 2012

Vic Toews and the Wikipedia Mystery

About a week ago I wrote a post in which I casually mentioned that Vic Toews was born in Filadelfia, a Mennonite colony in the Paraguayan jungle.

I got the information from Wikipedia. So imagine my surprise when I went back today and found that the information had vanished.

(click pic to enlarge)

Or had been edited out four days later. So now he wasn't born ANYWHERE. Caramba.

Which made me really curious eh? Why would someone edit that out and leave in all the really horrible stuff ? 

Like this. 

Or the bit about the babysitter.

So I did a little research and discovered that the Mennonite colony had been almost torn apart during the Second World War, when some of the German-speaking colonists sided with the Communists, and others with the Nazis.

But Toews was born in 1952 so he couldn't have joined either side. And no, there was no link with Dr Mengele and the Boys From Paraguay Brazil.

Apart from the mustache eh?

Which left me even MORE confused. And wondering so why did they do it, and who are THEY?

I don't think Toews is smart enough to edit his own Wikipedia page. So I'm afraid the only possible suspects I could think of were these guys.

The Cons in the PMO and the War Room who drew up the internet snooping bill, and gave Toews his marching orders. 

The ones who are always rewriting history. The ones who think the bill can still be saved.

The ones who have a database on Canadians Karl Rove and Big Brother would be proud of. So you can imagine what they could do with Bill C-30.

Which leads me to these conclusions eh?

Something really evil is happening in Canada. That fascist bill cannot be modified, only KILLED.

Because first they came for Vikileaks, then they came for Wikipedia. And if that bill isn't killed, tomorrow they will come for us.

The Cons aren't Nazis, just totalitarians. But that's bad enough.

Long live Great Big Brother Leader !!!

Viva Paraguay !!!


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Sorry to have to contradict your post, but the Wikipedia article does list Filadelfia, Paraguay as his place of birth. Maybe you caught the article after it had been vandalized, but before it was reverted? Might be interesting to see who was responsible for that edit, if so.

    1. hi anonymous...the original mention was in the first line so nobody could miss it. But I must admit I missed the one in the sidebar. As for who edited it I don't know. But since the Cons are always rewriting history I blame the PMO. Although Toews is probably so vain I suppose I shouldn't rule him out... ;)

  2. Sedate Me10:52 AM

    This just in, I can no longer access Vikileaks!

    Has the Minister of Public Safety gotten it shut down for the "safety" of all Canadians?

    I sure hope somebody backed all the info up (other than CSIS) and will post it on their own website.

    1. hi sedate me...the author took it down after Toews and his Con accomplices launched a witchhunt against it. Even though all he or she was doing was publishing something that was already public. The good news is that thanks to Anonymous the group, and anonymous the next commenter, it still lives...

    2. hi anonymous...thank you on behalf of all of us. The internet is a wonderful thing. No wonder the Cons want to destroy it...

    3. Sedate Me9:14 AM

      Wait a minute, what Anonymous or anonymous put the feed on the...oh fuck it. I can't keep track anymore...

      But whoever is responsible for this should be proud of it, not ashamed or intimidated. Even if they are some "NDP hack", they did absolutely nothing but publish public documents. Last I checked, that was perfectly legal.

      I said this in another thread, but this situation makes me very nostalgic for the dearly departed Frank Magazine (Ottawa Edition). They would be ALL over this and using a much better format than Twitter (which I despise more than I would having a prostate check from Freddy Krueger.)

      I think a proper website may be in order, maybe using the Vikipedia format. It could encompass all kinds of things: Divorce, spending documents and other personal/professional "highlights", but also a place to "tell Vic everything", and a section to "make stuff up about Vic", to demonstrate how using the Internet to gather intel on people is not always a good source of accurate information.

      Anyway, this Toews fucker deserves every bit of harrassment he can get. He also deserves a well funded opponent in the next election.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'd like to see his birth certificate!! lol Did a quick check in the web archive, you can too. Nov28/10. There are other captures, about 24 of them over several years.

    September 10, 1952 (age 58)
    Filadelfia, Paraguay

    1. hi anonymous...I see that you and I have the same wicked mind. But then I was also disappointed that Filadelfia wasn't closer to the place where Mengele was holed up before he moved to Brazil. However I thought the mustache was nice touch... ;)

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    If Arnold Schwarzenegger can be forthright about his bastard progeny, lol so can Vic Toews. He would have set himself up with the 'family values' campaigns. Where's the baby? I'd like to see a photo of it in the National Post!

    1. hi anonymous...well I would draw the line at the child because it's not his or her fault having Toews as a daddy. However, since Toews called us all child pornographers, and raised the age of consent for teenagers, I would like to know how old the babysitter was. So much for those "family values"...

  5. @Sedate Me - someone created a mirror sight!/VikiLeaksMirror

    1. hi sassy...thanks for this. I love the way my commenters help others, and of course I love the way you always help me... :)

  6. vikileaks twitter feed shut itself down Friday, saying too many innocent people were being targeted. Plus it has made its point. The speaker's office pointed out that the entire Parliament Hill network uses NAT firewalling so all of the 4000 computers will appear to the outside world as one of 4 public IP addresses. The Ottawa Citizen, therefore, narrowed vikileaks down to 1000 possible computers.

    1. hi liberal supporter...I agree with you the site has made its point. I hope the author or authors are never caught, because it was the perfect reply to what Toews called us all. As for the Ottawa Citizen I can only conclude that it acted like the enforcement arm of the Con Ministry of Propaganda and Disinformation. I have absolutely no respect for them, and I hope it cost them some subscriptions...

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

    We all know who is behind the internet snooping. Toews didn't even know, what the hell all was in that bill. It wouldn't surprise me, if the Conservatives did this themselves. Harper is the master of dirty tactics. The Canadian citizens have seen plenty of that. Neither the Federal NDP, nor the Federal Liberals, would ever sink to that level. Why do you think, the search for the guilty has been stopped. Who gives a damn about Toews divorce? I could care less, I didn't even bother to read about it. I knew it was all crap, for a diversion.

    Dictators by all means, hate their dastardly deeds to be known by the public. The first thing on their evil agenda, is to muzzle the media. Herr Harper and his henchmen, have secret meetings behind closed doors now. They must control the masses, by sneaking behind the peoples backs.

    1. hi anonymous...I have always believed that Harper and the PMO are responsible for this bill, since they want to intimidate the internet whose freedom they abhor. And Great Ugly Leader has used fear as a weapon since he took power. First terrorizing and muzzling his own caucus, and now trying to go after the rest of us. I think we have proved that we don't scare easily....

  8. Toews was born in 1952?! Holy pedophile, Batman! That makes him only 9 years older then me! Well, I'm here to tell you that in comparison, I look absolutely fabulous and he looks like an old bag of babysitter molesting shite! Being a Reform-a-Con must be hard on the system.

    1. hi Omar...Thanks for making me laugh. When I read Toews's ghastly record I'm not surprised he looks like the creature from Filadelfia. Just like I have no doubt that you look absolutely fabulous. Of course not having a Mengele mustache helps...;)

  9. BTW - anyone heard from Harper (The Great and Powerful Oz lately?

  10. hi sassy...good one. I'm sure he's hiding behind the curtain peddling furiously, and hoping that nobody notices him. I'm also sure he's sticking pins into a Toews doll for selling HIS plan so badly. But of course he doesn't dare fire Toews, because in the Con mob, Omerta is everything, and such things can end badly... ;)

  11. Anonymous1:33 AM
