Saturday, February 04, 2012

Fox News North and the Fake Porn Scandal

I suppose I should thank James Moore, for putting some bimbo from Fox News North in her place. After she tried to claim that the CBC was a porn network.  

According to Sun TV, CBC is producing "state broadcaster smut."

They sent a reporter to Parliament Hill this week with an iPad loaded with steamy clips from a program called Hard, a French drama about a woman who discovers after her husband's death that he has been secretly running a pornography business, which she must then run.

Heritage Minister James Moore, though, declined to take the bait.

"I know you're in the business of just going after the CBC, but I can't comment on something I haven't seen," he told a Sun TV reporter.

Then, off camera, he expressed skepticism about the issue, pointed out that Sun papers run bikini girls, and said the Sun TV reporter is being used as a "pawn" by Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Peladeau, who wants CBC de-funded so he can get a larger share of the French language TV audience in Quebec, after which he will shut down Sun TV.

"You know that's going to happen right?" he said.

Even though he was forced to get down on all fours and crawl backwards like a  lapdog, after being  spanked by the PMO. 

Andrew MacDougall, a spokesman for Harper, told the Sun that his boss doesn't approve of Hard.

"While the government doesn't control CBC's content, we are confused by their decision to purchase sexually explicit content and make it available to children," he said.

Even though everyone knows that the only thing that gets Great Nerd Leader hard is pure naked POWER. And the closest thing to a sleazy news porn channel in Canada is Fox News North itself.

I mean the women look like they just stumbled off the set of Jersey Shore. Just not as classy. 

All that's missing is the booze, and the hairy hung pizza delivery man. 

Then there's the slimy coward Brian Lilley, who is always attacking programs designed to protect bullied gay kids. Claiming he was so disgusted by the Tou tv material he was ashamed to even talk about it...

Only to run a long video of out of context,pasted together, soft porn clips including love among the vegetables... 

No doubt triggering cardiac arrests all over rural Alberta... and a run on sex shops and supermarkets.

While somehow managing to remind me of a character I once saw in a grainy old gay porn movie. An awesome power bottom with the same weird hairdo. How ironic eh?

And of course, there's the grotesque Ezra Levant, who announced the other night that he loves to say "penis" on television.

When he's not dressing up like Chiquita Conchella and playing with bananas...

And the ghastly religious homophobe Michael Coren, who is always going on about the special joy of spanking...

The kinky old limey.

All of which makes Tou TV look almost as boring as the CBC. 

And makes Fox News North look like a channel brought to you by the kind of people my Mum warned me to avoid. 

Which make sense eh? Since Quebecor is the REAL smut peddler.

Quebecor's Videotron, which runs a competing French-language web TV site, does offer hard-core pornography, including a channel called hardtv, which offers explicit gay sex 24-7, and another called Vanessa, which runs heterosexual porn produced by Pega Productions, in Montreal, featuring Canadian performers.

But don't expect the once decent journalist David Aikin to point that out. Because although he shamelessly defended the Fox News North gang's fake immigrant show, he hasn't said a word about their fake porn scandal. Because now he's a lapdog too.

Oh boy. Here's a final thought. If the Cons don't kill the CBC in the upcoming budget, will the Fox News North gang be selling toasters and vibrators by Christmas, on their even cheaper infomercial channel?

And do you think that's why they're so DESPERATE? Golly I do.

And the even BETTER news? By crawling through their filthy gutter the Fox News North gang aren't just smearing themselves with shite. They're smearing the Cons as well. In the space of just one week they've managed to damage both James Moore AND Jason Kenney.

Talk about poetic pornographic justice eh?

But still it depresses me. Did you ever think you'd be living in a country with a television network like Fox News North?

And a Prime Minister like Stephen Harper?

I didn't either...


  1. Pretty depressing, that's for sure.

    I am not sure I have a big enough barf bag at the ready for when the next budget gets introduced. It's going to be brutal for all, including the CBC.

    1. hi Beijing...when I write a post like this one, I laugh like a maniac when I'm writing it, but afterwards I feel slightly ill. One because I feel I have descended to their level, and two because I'm afraid my Mum might read it. ;)
      I'm only trying to laugh at our enemies to keep my spirits up, but I must admit that's getting harder. As you point out the situation is really depressing. Judging from the reaction of Harper's mouthpiece the PMO is clearly orchestrating this jihad against the CBC, and I fear they intend to hurt it as much as they can. As well as plunge us into a new recession. For they are truly crazy evil and they will do ANYTHING to hurt Canada...

      P.S. I want to make it clear that I made up the bit about Brian Lilley. I firmly believe Lilley Marlene is far too ugly to star in a porn movie, except one involving a burro... :)

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Simon don't feel bad about calling those Sun freaks perverts. You make us laugh as well as fight like nobody else does so that's why we love you.

    1. hi anonymous...thank you. When Fox News North first appeared I quite enjoyed making fun of it. But in recent months they have become so disgusting, I feel that just by writing about them I am debasing myself. I'm not perfect eh? But I am better than that. And their grotesque campaign to try to smear the CBC as a "porn network." really is the limit. I'm just going to have to pretend they don't exist, like most Canadians who don't even bother to watch them. It may be an ugly story, but I'm betting it will be a short one...
