Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stephen Harper's War on Women (Continued)

Well so much for Mother Harper, the friend  of women and children. He will fund Planned Parenthood. But only in countries where abortion is illegal.

International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda has decided to approve a proposal by the International Planned Parenthood Federation to provide sex education and contraception in five developing countries.

The funding is worth $6 million over three years for Planned Parenthood to work in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mali, Sudan and Tanzania, where abortions are illegal except in cases where the mother's life is at risk.

So if you are a poor woman who doesn't live in one of those countries, you're out of luck. And so are your other children because they'll have even less to eat.

And why is this happening? Blame it on his bubbah base, and Harper's Bachelor Club.

His new Chief of Staff Nigel Wright, and the reactionary Catholic cabal.

Wright was managing director of Onex Corporation before coming to Ottawa. His business background and the svelte figure he cuts in a tailored suit have led many observers to assume he’s an old-style Bay Street Tory with no particular interest in social matters. Big mistake. “He’s an Anglo-Catholic,” one former Hill staffer notes. “There’s a certain cabal in our government of Vatican II rejectionist Catholics,” which includes, but isn’t limited to, Kenney and much of his own ministerial staff.

“Let’s put it this way,” the former staffer said. “Nigel is not going to pick up the phone and berate a minister for being too right-wing. That will never happen.”

Theocratic conspiracy? What theocratic conspiracy?

Didn't the song say we're making plans for Nigel? Not the other way around.

Nice of the MSM to warn us FOUR months after the election. Does anybody seriously think they won't introduce a "backbencher's bill" to "regulate" abortion? And one to bring back the death penalty.

Hey. You get what you don't vote for. Never were Canadians so stupid.

Never was a Prime Minister so dangerous.

Fight them, fight them, fight them.

Don't let them win...

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