Monday, June 27, 2011

Time to Say Goodbye For Now

I realize it's probably not the best time to leave Canada. Canadian summers are so short eh?

But the truth is I can't wait to leave, because politically speaking this has been the worst summer EVAH. First the Cons got a majority, and then it started to rain.

And it won't be too hard to give up blogging either, because if all the yelling and shrieking in the progressive blogosphere was light, the truth would be blinding. But all I see are people wailing in The Great Darkness. Especially if they are Liberals.

And since I love all progressives and my blogging family, that makes me sad.

I also realize that I'll be missing Pride Week, and the Gay Pride Parade. But at least I won't have to endure the debate over whether the Fordzilla is a homophobe. When that's exactly what he is.

By deciding not to attend this year’s parade, the mayor is reinforcing the stereotypical notion of Pride as nothing more than a queer fest for cruising homos. In that sense, the mayor is delegitimatizing an entire community, an influential and important one, whose members also have kids, mortgages and dreams and aspirations for their loved ones, just like the mayor.

And you can't put lipstick on that pig...

Besides, on a higher note, they say you have to leave Canada to write about it.

And I'm taking Sébastien to the place where as a small boy, while keeping an eye on the sheep, I had some of my BEST ideas...

When it was sunny.

So maybe I can figure out what flaw in our national character caused us to be known as the Ugly Canadians.

Doctors from many countries have implored Canada for years to change its ways. The Lancet, a leading medical journal, has underscored the dangers of asbestos. The World Health Organization has warned that “at least 90,000 people die each year from asbestos-related lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis resulting from occupational exposures.” Doctors from Canada (including Quebec) and abroad have signed petitions, sent letters, organized delegations – all to no avail.

Because that one really hurts eh?

On the other hand I'm also taking Sébastien to see the wall a Roman Emperor put up to keep out my rebel people...

So I'm hardly about to give up on the Canada I love so much. Or stop attacking Emperor Harper. Or stop trying to knock down the walls of poverty, ignorance, and bigotry.

And I know that if we unite and help each other, we CAN defeat the Cons.

So I think I'll just wrap this up with a message of hope.

And this great new song that stands for just about EVERYTHING I believe in...

Hey kids, it will get better.

Hey Canada, it's always darkest before The Dawn.

Have a great summer everybody!!!

See you when I see you...


  1. I will miss reading your blog -- you always have such interesting things to say. Hope you enjoy your holiday.

  2. Not to rain on your Scottish vacation parade, Simon, but the few times we've been to Scotland my partner and I experienced racism and bigotry on a scale that would make your average Canadian rube blush. The attitude toward our mixed relationship of white and black, while certainly not prevailing, was something that many in Glasgow and Edinburgh found difficult to accept and on a few occasions these folk made their distaste known to us verbally. I cannot comment on Scottish attitudes towards those of a differing sexual orientation, but I suspect (perhaps wrongly) that those attitudes are not exactly as enlightened as our Canadian ones. Having said all that, enjoy your holiday and come back refreshed and invigorated. Just from the time and effort you put into your writings here alone, you more than deserve it. Cheers :)

  3. Enjoy your holiday. Don't follow Canadian news. You will thank me.

    Next year, if Ford won't attend the Pride parade, I suggest that Pridians hold a flotilla parade next to Rob Ford's cottage.

  4. Have a wonderful out-of-Canada summer.

    Looking forward to your return.


  5. Have a great holiday, Simon!

  6. Have fun Simon. Give yourself a break from this country. I have trouble mustering any enthusiasm too.

  7. hi Cathie... thanks a lot for your sweet comment.I do enjoy sharing stories with other people, so after a few weeks rest I'm sure I'll be back to blogging... :)

  8. hi Omar...I'm sorry you and your partner have had bad experiences in Scotland. Scotland is distressingly white, and there is a large yob or as we call them chav contingent that drinks too much and carries knives. And sectarian violence between Catholics and Protestants, particularly in Glasgow, is a real problem. I was stabbed as a boy for sticking up for Catholics after a football match even though I'm a Protestant myself.
    In recent years the SNP government has done a lot to fight racism, sectarianism, drinking and knife use so I'm hoping the situation is improving.
    I'm hoping that because we're a Catholic/Protestant/atheist couple, we don't drink, and we're both martial arts experts, we can stay out of trouble... ;)

  9. hi skinny dipper...I don't think I will be able to follow Canadian news even if I wanted to, which I don't. And I might even briefly forget about what's happening in this country, so I can return refreshed and even more eager to change the situation.
    As for a gay pride parade in Huntsville outside Bozo's cottage, I'm all for it... ;)

  10. hi sassy...thanks a lot. Sébastien has been to Scotland once before to meet my parents. But this time I'm hoping to show him more of Scotland so it will be even more fun. Although I did warn him that the weather in the north is hovering around 14 degrees centigrade... :)

  11. hi Mark...thanks a lot. It's been years since Sébastien and I have been on a trip together, so I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm absolutely determined to show that pure laine that we Scots were fighting the dastardly English long before Quebec even existed... :)

  12. hi thwap...thanks a lot. Yes it will be good leaving Harperland for a while. And you have a good summer too. Remember the real action resumes in the fall, and we've got to be ready to give those Cons hell... :)

  13. NOTE:

    You can still send your comments, but as of now they will not be published until I return. The reason? My old dog has many amazing talents, but moderating comments isn't one of them...

  14. I will miss your blog as well Simon. I love your humor and your wit and I have to say I agree entirely with you. Enjoy your holiday and hopefully better weather.

    Cheers and the best to you.

  15. A wild goose never laid tame eggs.

    Bon Voyage,Simon

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Have the best of times, Simon! I loved Scotland...I still have a stag's antler and ram's horn from there ('found' souveniers are the best).

    Still remember vividly the ferry to Skye not running so I walked down to the docks and stuck out my thumb like i was hitchiking. A family on a boat said to hop aboard and they took me over to the Knoydart Peninsula and I sessioned in the pub in the village of 50 people, then went to their 3,000 acre croft. Slept in the shepards room of the old stone house and their kids woke me the next morning , yelling to come down to the ocean to see the porpoises.....amazing!!!

    Had beautiful weather and three magnificent days.

    Hope you have fun and adventure :D

  17. I'll miss you blog, hope to read you again soon.

    Have a nice trip!

  18. hi Marie...thanks for your sweet words, and thanks for finding me funny. Now please tell some of my friends that because they think I'm just an idiot. ;)
    As for the weather I'm afraid it was rather chilly and it rained a lot. But I still had a lot of fun...

  19. hi Oemissions...

    A wild goose never laid tame eggs.

    Golly.I've never heard of that one, but I like it.

    And Sebastien did discover what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    After all the trouble I've had trying to understand his people in the Saguenay, you should have seen his face when he had to deal with they speak in Glasgow... :)

  20. hi Scout...thanks for your great comment. Scotland is a small country, but it is a beautiful wild place, and although its people can be rather reserved, once they get to know you they can be really friendly.
    As for Skye... it is a magic place, although they've built a bridge to replace the ferry so it's not quite the place.
    But as for the deer...please don't mention them, because when I was staying at my parent's place they came into their garden and ate my mum's geranimums... :)

  21. hi Enkidu's Palace... thanks a lot, I did have a great time. But I did miss blogging and my readers, so hi ho hi ho it's back to work I go... :)
