Thursday, June 09, 2011

Sun Nooz TV : The Con Comedy Show

When I heard that Kory Teneycke was going to be the big boss of Sun Nooz TV, I knew it would bomb eh?

But who knew it would be such a comedy show?

It’s important to bring to your attention, though, the fact that Sun News is providing a much-needed service in Canada. If you’ve got a devilish sense of humour, it is the most hilarious news channel you’ve ever, ever seen. You want weird comedy? You got it by the bucketful with these people.

And how about that Krista Erickson?

Recently, the channel’s Krista Erickson accosted dancer Margie Gillis on air about arts funding and tried to beat her up, verbally. This was comedy of the raw sort.

Erickson then went wacky. She waved her arms around in a lame attempt to mimic dance movement. Not a wizard at the arm ballet is Krista, believe me. She looked like the Martin Short character Ed Grimley getting excited. “This whole thing,” she barked, while frantically waved her arms, “Why does it cost $1.2-million over 13 years?” Then she shouted at Gillis to try to drown out the response.

And then it got worse.

Then Erickson went full-bore Monty Python. She denounced Gillis for being a dancer and having an opinion about Canada. The thrust of her argument was expressed as this: “We have lost more than 150 soldiers who have served in Afghanistan! They have put their lives on the line and, you know, it is, frankly, quite a serious business compared with people dancing on a stage!”

You can see the whole ghastly interview here.

But my advice is take John Doyle's word for it, because life is too short, they pay him to watch this stuff. And he has some good advice for Erickson.

Memo to Krista Erickson: Get out of Sun News now. Before your name becomes synonymous with Monty Python-style TV gags and the hilarity that ensues. But, before you go, do that attempted arm ballet thing again. Man, that’s funny.

Because when they start laughing at you it's OVER.

And Ezra Levant is funny enough...

As for Kory Teneycke, my advice to him is to start polishing his resume, like he used to polish Stephen Harper's fleshy buttocks. Because this has to be the biggest bomb in the history of Canadian television.

And goodness knows who he'll hire next...

Sun Nooz TV, the lonely voice of the conservative movement.

Somebody please watch them eh? 

Fish? You like Feesh?



  1. I had watched a bit of the interview online before it became nauseating (early on). Krista Erikson's "outrage" just seemed manufactured to me. Kory Teneycke sincerely believes that screaming at people is why Fox News is successful in the US.

  2. hi Michel...I have to admit that I couldn't watch the whole interview either. The way Erickson treated Margie Gillis was simply outrageous. And then she has the nerve to complain that other artists refuse to appear on her monkey show. No wonder eh?

  3. contempt
    that is what it was utterly horrid contempt for a "national treasure"
    poor Margie..she is so loving and sweet but i think she has enough feistiness and fans to survive the hits and punches and hair pulling from that woman (?)/female
    wondering if the PM might want to see one of her fabulous performances in Montreal sometime
    Laureen might like to go and it would not cost as much to get there as it does to Boston
    there was a fb note from a dancer about this interview, imploring people to write in about it and contact other authorities as well as withdraw from any viewing of this network

  4. hi Oemissions...yes contempt is a good word. Margie Gillis is a Canadian artistic icon, and a sweet person. And when I saw how Erickson wasted no time in going after her like she was some kind of fraud artist it made my blood boil.
    However, after I read what John Doyle had to say, I did feel a lot better... :)
