Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Stephen Harper and the Facebook Creepers

Uh oh. Talk about poking our privacy. The bitter nerd Stephen Harper has been caught with his pants down reading our Facebook pages. And looking like a creeper.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is suddenly on the defensive for running a closed and "unCanadian" campaign after two university students were ejected from one of his rallies because they had posted a Facebook picture of themselves with Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff.

An Amerikan.

"I just think when you get to a situation where people can't come to a public meeting in Canada and get thrown out by two heavies because they have a Facebook friend from another party, you're in a bad place," he added. "You're in a very unCanadian place."

Or just a Great Chicken Leader.

It’s absurd to suggest that the same man who needs protection from reporters and politically curious young women is fit to handle further economic crises, wars in Libya and Afghanistan and the ever-present risk of natural disaster, major accident or terrorist attack on Canadian soil. If you want to sell the Prime Minister’s strong leadership, avoiding unforced errors like these is a good place to start.

And look who came flying to his defence. Looking like a chicken, and shitting like a  Pigeon.

"Today, Michael Ignatieff called Prime Minister Stephen Harper un-Canadian. Michael Ignatieff is hardly on solid ground on this issue," said Baird, who then launched into the familiar Conservative talking points about Ignatieff's patriotism, or lack thereof, in their view.

The gay guy who services serves the homophobes. Talk about a credibility gap eh?

But of course Ignatieff is absolutely right. This sinister Facebook totalitarianism came straight from Amerika.

From the diseased mind of George Bush's flying monkey Karl Rove.

He created a data base that allowed the Republicans to know what Americans were thinking, neighbourhood after neighbourhood, block after block.

From the moment they came to power Harper's AmeriCons did the same thing, gathering masses of information on every Canadian, so they could tailor their dirty wedge issues accordingly.

They read our blogs and facebook pages, they monitor chatrooms, they try to find out who we are, where we work, and whether we have any weaknesses they can use against us. It's the greatest invasion of privacy in the history of this country, and in the hands of these totalitarian thugs, it's a mortal threat to our democracy.

The good news? If they were hoping to win over the youth vote they can forget about that now. Lying about an i-pod tax is bad enough.

But creeping out Facebook pages is totally not done. And Great Chicken Leader is about to find that out the hard way.

You know, when the Cons are defeated there will have to be a massive police investigation to find out what this un-Canadian regime has been up to without our knowledge.

But while the cops go after the Cons.

I'm going after the database eh?

Like this guy did...

Golly. Do you think I could get John Baird to sing "Stephen...Stephen... give me your answer do"

"I'm half crazy over my love for YOUUUUUuuuuuuuuu...."

Nah. That would be TOO good.

Hey kids. Now you have NO excuse. Defeat those sinister AmeriCons.

Before they creep you out....

Recommend this post at Progressive Bloggers


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I think you summed it up nicely, in a form that people confused by "issues" and "policy" can understand -
    "It’s absurd to suggest that the same man who needs protection from reporters and politically curious young women is fit to handle further economic crises, wars in Libya and Afghanistan and the ever-present risk of natural disaster, major accident or terrorist attack on Canadian soil. "

    I'll be paraphrasing this a lot in the coming weeks. Thanks

  2. hi anonymous...yes it's very important to try to keep the message as simple as possible, because if you don't it just doesn't register in the info saturated world we live in.
    Of course I would simplify things even further by declaring that Stephen Harper likes to pose as a strong leader. But he's actually a Great Big Chicken... :)

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Simon, it's been a long time, my friend...far too long!

    LOVE your photoshopping!!!!!

    So Harper's a FB voyeur. Creeping is right. How many pics does he have of women in flannel nightgowns?

    The guy is a complete control freak paranoid dictator....i can't even believe he thinks Libya or Afghanistan are worth the war effort when all that's happening here is just the 'squeaky clean' version.

    Boot him out!
