Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stephen Harper and the Doomsday Weapon

I knew it. I knew this ghastly political thug would do ANYTHING for a majority. I knew that sooner or later he would haul out the doomsday weapon.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper says a Conservative majority is the only way to stop Quebec sovereignists.

When in fact a Con majority, and an isolated Quebec, would be a gift from heaven for the sovereignists. And the only way to revive that moribund movement.

And how did I know that he would haul out this weapon? Because the last time he did during the coalition crisis, it worked like a charm. He harnessed the latent  virulent anti-Quebec feeling in English Canada, and if an election had been held then he would have won a CRUSHING majority.

So naturally he was bound to use it again. That's what all that hollow coalition talk was all about. He was just tilling that ugly ground, so he could water it with his bile, and hope that the poisoned flowers will give him his precious majority.

Even if they destroy our country.

I could go on about how despicable and dangerous this move is, and how the man should be arrested for fucking with the fabric of our big, beautiful, but fragile country. And I will. Because nobody loves Canada AND Quebec as much as I do.

But tonight I just want to say that it's just another reason that criminally irresponsible monster must never get a majority.

And to make it clear what a nightmare that would be, I made this this little video today...

And what more can I say eh?

Except that we can't fight hard enough to save our beautiful country...or our ever so Canadian medicare system.

Anyone who can't see the horror coming at us out of the fog of history must be BLIND.

And of more than ever.

Fight him, fight him, fight him.

Don't let him WIN...

Recommend this post at Progressive Bloggers.


  1. Actually, a Harper majority would provide the winning conditions for the 'yes' side on a sovereignty referendum to prevail.

  2. Simon, I like you video and can I steal your Resist poster.

  3. hi ck... I fear that as well. If Quebecers feel not just isolated but ganged up against, and then are forced to live in a Canada they don't recognize, it would give the sovereignists a mighty weapon. And the irony is that it comes at a time when the sovereignists have never been so weak. And a PQ party that gives the bourgeois Pauline Marois a 93%
    approval rating, as it did the other day, ain't going anywhere...

  4. Wow Simon, I think I disagree when you say that I hate Harper more than you. I think our combined hate could cause a nuclear meltdown. Great video, just too bad the Liberals can't use it.

  5. hi WILLY...thanks, I'm glad you liked my video. That's the first nice comment I've ever received for endeavours ;)
    I had to change the ending at the last minute to include the doomsday scenario,so it was a little abrupt. But I'm already working on that eh?
    And of course you can take my Resist poster. I would consider that an honour...

  6. hi James...well I based that on the fact that unlike you I have never accused Harper of having "smelly feet." But don't worry from now on I will. ;)
    As for my video I'm glad you like it. And no I'm sure the Liberals won't pick it up. But then nobody ever circulates any of my videos, not even in the progressive blogosphere. I guess they're too dark eh? Right. Wait until we get a Harper majority, and then my videos will look like something Disney dreamed up. But of course, by then it will be too late. I'll be either in jail or in exile... :)

  7. Hi Simon,

    May I post your video on my blog?

  8. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Yeah, I love the fearmongering. It's a riot. I have Quebec relatives by marriage and this sort of thing just offends the crap out of me. The man has no abyss he won't sink into to get a majority. Came across this great post addressing it

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    What's he going to do? Invite the bloq back into the fold...

    Too many forget the fact that the bloq was originally the first of the regional breakaways from the Muldoon conservative party. Closely followed by the "I want to take your ball and go home" Reform boys...

    Maybe they didn't feel comfortable as the Conservative Reform Alliance Party, but the acronym was the best description of the policies emanating from their so called brain trust. Too bad that our society as a whole has drifted to the point where an entire thought has to fit in a 170 character text message.

    Bemused Lurker

  10. I think it's interesting that you describe the separatist movement as "moribund" and the federation as "fragile".

  11. I even had to come back, I couldn't stop thinking about this.

    The separatist movement seems quite healthy to me, really. Most pundits expect a PQ victory next time, and most expect the Bloc to hold their seats. It's at least possible they could become Opposition, and Government of Quebec at the same time, and move for a third (and final) referendum.

  12. hi James...sure you can post my video. Just use the latest version eh? Sebastien was extremely annoyed I didn't mention medicare in the first version so as I told Willy I would, I changed it.... :)

  13. hi anonymous 10:41...Harper's fearmongering is absolutely pathetic. If I hadn't read that conservatives have a larger fear gland in their brains I would have no rational way to explain it. ;)
    But of course, it's really no laughing matter, because fearmongering is the favourite weapon of fascists. First they scare the population, then they promise to protect them, like a fox protects the chickens. And pitting Canadian against Canadian as Harper does all the time is imply inexcusable. And thanks for the's so true.If Harper could win some votes by demonizing Justin Bieber I'm sure he would... :)

  14. hi anonymous know I don't find the Bloc at all threatening. Firstly because despite their bluster there is nothing they can do to bring about the sovereignty of Quebec. It's entirely a decision of the Quebec National assembly and the Quebec people. Secondly many Quebecers don't vote for the Bloc because they are sovereignists. They vote for it because it's like the home team, and because of its social democratic values. I'm a firm believer in accepting this country as it is, and working with reality to make it a better place for everyone. And I deeply regret that so many progressives are willing to reject a natural ally, and are weaker for it. I am totally confident that history will prove me right, but right now I have to admit it's a lonely position... ;)

  15. hi Jacques...I can understand how you might find the juxtaposition of "fragile" and "moribund" a bit of a contradiction. But after making that video I had to keep my post short because I was out of blogging time. Somebody in this house has to do the chores eh?
    Seriously though...what I meant was that our federation is intrinsically fragile, because it has a French-speaking nation in its bosom, and neither solitude really understands each other.
    How do I know that? Because I love and understand them both. And it's not easy when they both gang up on me.;) Secondly, perhaps I should have chose a better word than moribund.
    I didn't mean to say it's dying, because it will never die, just that I don't find it excites the kind of passion it once did. The PQ may be leading in the polls, but that's mostly due to the fact that the Charest government is so unpopular. I just can't see Marie Antoinette Marois leading us to the promised land. Gilles Duceppe yes her no. The Pequistes must surely know that, and by giving her such a high approval rate the other day it tells me they just want to form another government commes les autres. Still, as I said in my post, if Harper wins a majority on the backs of Quebecers, the dynamic would change, even Marois might do well, and anything could happen...
    Just stop the monster from getting a majority, and I'll take care of that other problem... :)
