Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Debate Questions for Stephen Harper

Like most decent Canadians I have high hopes for Tuesday's debate.

Because either Stephen " Goliath" "GODzilla" Harper loses his head or his marbles, at the mighty hand of The Great Canadian Coalition, or we lose our country.

And in that regard I think Bruce Anderson has some excellent advice for  Michael Ignatieff.

Find ways to illustrate how different you are from Mr. Harper as a human being. For example, when you show a willingness to wade happily into the fray of politics, while arguing that Mr. Harper seems to be fleeing or dodging scrutiny in every way possible, this contrast is effective for you. It borrows from and builds on things that have concerned some voters about Mr. Harper for a while.

But of course I have some questions of my own eh?

(1) When he claims he doesn't want to murder medicare, how can we trust him? When he spent years heading an organization that was founded to KILL IT?

(2) When he says he won't ban abortion, how can we trust him, when he lies all the time? And he has attacked women's rights from the FIRST day he came to power. Does he hate women or is it because his wacko church tells him they should be SUBORDINATE?

(3) When he says he won't kill gay marriage, how could even his pet stooge John Baird believe him? When he has voted against every gay rights bill, believes that gays CHOOSE to be gay. And didn't even support legislation to make attacking them a HATE CRIME.

Because the voices in his head tell him that if gays and lesbians chose to be straight, they wouldn't be beaten or MURDERED.

(4) When he accuses the opposition of flooding the country with 200 desperate men, women, and children on a leaky boat....

How does he explain that he brought in 300,000 immigrants in 2010. More than any other government in FIFTY years....and is encouraging them to vote "THEIR VALUES?" What's wrong with our CANADIAN values eh? Why does he hate Canada so much? Shame on him !!!!  

(5) When he makes those perverted attack ads, do they come from his diseased mind, his filthy pie hole, his smelly bully hole...or just from Ugly Amerika? And with the long and tragic history of mental illness in his family, has he ever thought of seeking treatment?

And while we're talking about holes.... we should probably ask him about this gaping orifice. And since he can't explain it does that mean he plans to kill the CBC, the NFB, and our social programs in three DAYS... instead of waiting for three weeks?  

(6) Why does he like men with hookers so much? Just how INTIMATE was he with Bruce Carson? Did he ever meet his hooker hookers? Why does his twitter page link to a porn site? And didn't him and the horny goat realize that they might be caught in the act, and BLACKMAILED by a foreign government?

Oh boy. That's enough. I can't continue. Just asking Great Porno Leader questions makes me want to take a shower. And besides my mum warned me to stay away from dirty old men who creep your Facebook page, or stand in the shadows whispering "Pssssst kid...can I buy you a drink or a fake lake, and show you my shiny MAJORITY?" 


But you get the idea eh? The opposition doesn't have to bring down the monster with one well aimed stone or question. Like David brought down Goliath.

They should just remember that more than forty percent of Canadians don't TRUST Stephen Harper. Plant a seed of doubt in the population.

And we'll make sure it GROWS...

Yikes. Would you trust a potty carnivorous Con with a majority?

Don't worry. When we've finished with him NOBODY will.

Woohoo !!! Gimme a roto-rooter !!!!!!!

Who knew an election could be such FUN?

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