Sunday, April 03, 2011

A Bully Story With a Happy Ending

Because of the election I haven't had a chance to write about the issue I care about the most. The one that made me start blogging: the horrible problem of bullying in our schools.

And I know that some of my readers are disappointed. Because so few in our aging blogosphere ever write about the subject. And every lonely voice counts.  

So what I want to say to them is that I consider what I'm doing to be part of the same struggle. Because Stephen Harper and his foul Cons are the worst gang of bullies this country has ever seen.

And if they ever get a majority, they will hurt poor people, seniors, women, gay people, and children in our schools.

Even though bullying is already a huge problem in Canada.

Made worse by those who could stop it, but don't.

“As police officers, it’s disturbing to see brawls of this nature involving young persons,” said O’Brien. “What’s also disturbing is to see the number of people who witness it, then do nothing to stop it.

So tonight I thought I'd show you a video about how standing up for those who are being bullied, can make life better for everyone.

A beautiful anti-bullying video all the way from Ireland...

If only there were more happy endings in the real world eh?

But one day there will be. Because this is what I take from that sweet story.

Whether you're fighting the Con bullies, or the ones in schoolyards, or workplaces, or senior homes, or wherever.

When the good unite, and say enough is ENOUGH.

We become stronger.

And the bullies can be DEFEATED...

Recommend this post at Progressive Bloggers


  1. Beautiful - I'll be showing that to my class tomorrow! Thank!

  2. Lovely video. It should be required viewing in every middle school and high school.

  3. Here is a poem I wrote about bullying, especially gay bullying:


    Taunts thrown like fists full of nails,
    Each spike pierces the soul.
    Insults yelled out in ignorance;
    Youth ended in blood and confusion:
    Leviticus named.
    Ignorance in the spotlight of stained glass windows;
    The thorny crown is blameless.
    The catholic pope dictates ropes of reason,
    The protestant priests provide the tree.
    Supported by columns of faith,
    The foundation of lies refuses to crumble.
    Innocent cries of hurt and pain;
    Strength awakened,
    The dance begins to change.
    The bright light of truth slowly rises,
    The shadows caused by centuries old verses shrivel.
    False claims of world destruction,
    Alarmist visions begin to fade.
    Change dressed in sheep’s clothing;
    A lamb will change the world.

  4. hi that's fantastic. It really is a sweet story. And thank you for making me feel useful... ;)

  5. hi is lovely isn't it. Good for the Irish. I only wish we made more videos like that here. Oh well. Thank goodness for the internet... :)

  6. hi James...that's very good. I especially like these lines...

    The bright light of truth slowly rises,
    The shadows caused by centuries old verses shrivel.
    False claims of world destruction,
    Alarmist visions begin to fade.
    Change dressed in sheep’s clothing;
    A lamb will change the world.

    I believe that myself, although I'm sad to say my bullies had to learn the hard way, that I was wolf in sheep's clothing... :)

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Great work, keep up the good work we need more people like you to fight for our cause. I am not onlu Gay but a senior citizen, so I have more than on e reason to see Harper defeated. Also love your video on Bullying.

    Allan - Moncton
