Saturday, November 27, 2010

Does God Hate Sunday Shopping?

P.E.I.'s Transportation Minister seems to believe he does.

A debate over Sunday shopping has led P.E.I.'s transportation minister to suggest God had struck down the leader of the Opposition, who fell and injured herself after introducing a bill to allow Sunday openings year-round.

"I'm not what you call a saint, but I believe in God and I believe in [doing] the best I can do. You were at CBC pushing Sunday shopping, were you not? On TV?" he asked Crane. "Right after that interview what happened?"

"We had a bit of an accident," Crane responded.

"Does that not tell you something?" said MacKinley.

"Like what?" said Crane.

"Like the Lord works in mysterious ways, and maybe you should start worrying what's going on here? We are going all the time, we're getting farther and farther away, whether it's prayers in the schools or whatever it is," said MacKinley.

Holy Spud Batman. He's the Transportation Minister? How do they get around in P.E.I.? On donkeys, camels, or chariots?

And although I almost don't dare type this question eh?

In case I break a finger.

But if God hates Sunday shopping.

What does he think of shopping on Black Friday?

And isn't that WORSE?

MacKinley you theocratic buffoon. You idiot. Repeat after me:

Sunday is just another day. 

Shopping is religion.

And God is a SALE...


  1. Anonymous1:33 AM

    That was scary man.
    Think we should be asking much more pointed questions to those idiots called politicians who come knocking on our doors about their religious beliefs? Think they'd be insulted?

  2. God is apparently no longer in the smiting business. The bill passed. That about wraps it up for the godbags, I guess...

  3. Yes, the bill passed. Welcome to 1985, PEI! ;)

    Seriously, MacKinley's response was crazy. I've tried to write about an actual Christian response to PEI's Sunday change: Sunday law, church and shopping in Prince Edward Island.

    Good job, Montreal Simon, for calling MacKinley out for his wacky comments.

  4. hi anonymous...I wouldn't ask politicians about their religious beliefs. What I would ask them is do they think religion and politics make a happy couple? And if they say yes, I would tell them to take a hike. Because we don't need that American madness here. And yes it is SCARY...

  5. hi Bina...yes I see the Sunday shopping bill passed. But I don't think I'll be shopping in PEI for a while. First a gay couple is burned out of their home after receiving Biblically inspired hate mail. Now this. Where's that redheaded lesbian when we need her? ;)

  6. hi Ken...yes thank goodness sanity prevailed. Like you I like the idea of a day when everything shuts down.Or two days ;) But as you point out there is no reason to bring religion into the debate, and suggesting that there was something divine about an accident is outrageous...
