Thursday, September 30, 2010

Anderson Cooper and the Weird Anti-Gay Bigot

It's been a bad week for bullied gay kids in the United States. First Asher Brown shot himself. 

Brown, his family said, was "bullied to death" — picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said.

And then Seth Walsh died after hanging himself.

Friends told NBC affiliate KGET that Seth had been picked on for years because he was gay.

"He was different. He knew he was different," Seth's mother, Judy Walsh said. "He was a very loving boy, very kind. He had a beautiful smile. He liked fashion, his friends, talking on the phone. He was artistic and very bright."

So I'm glad to report, that when CNN's Anderson Cooper heard that  Andrew Shirvell, Michigan's Assistant Attorney General, had been conducting a cyberbully campaign against  the gay President of the University of Michigan's student government.

Shirvell has described Armstrong as a "Nazi-like" recruiter for "the cult that is homosexuality." He also claims Armstrong aims "to promote the radical homosexual agenda at the University of Michigan and to use his position to promote that cause." He has also featured a photo of Armstrong with a swastika added to his face, calling him "Satan's representative on the Student Assembly."

He invited him on his show and gave him a real hard time...

Only in Amerika eh? Where they suck up homophobia with their mother's milk. Or their communion wine.

Good for Anderson Cooper for giving that Christianist creeper a hard time.

Good for Asher Brown's mum for speaking out to try to save other kids.

"These kids don’t deserve this, they don’t. And I can’t do anything to save mine anymore, but if I can help somebody else, I want to. I know Asher would want to. He was a good boy. He was such a good boy."

The poor little children.

When will the hate STOP?


  1. "I don't have any hate in my body at all," says Andrew Shirvell.

    Oh, Andrew, I think you do. In fact, I see nothing but hate... including a great deal of self-loathing.

  2. What about the Rutgers' student that threw himself off of the George Washington bridge cuz his "friends" secretly broadcast his more intimate moments without his knowledge? (Cover of NY Post today)

  3. hi Brian...I agree with you. That stalker obviously has some self loathing issues. I mean as soon as I heard his voice my gaydar went off the scale. It's so pathetic. I simply can't understand why he still has his job....

  4. hi Joe...I saw that story too, how sad and how disgusting that his so-called "friends" would do that. I hope they get convicted for invasion of privacy, but of course thanks to what happened they'll be punished for the rest of their lives...
