Sunday, March 07, 2010

Stephen Harper and the Torture Tango

I suppose I could write about how Stephen Harper's plan to sing Oh Conada all the way to a majority, left him looking like a flip flopper and an idiot.

The timing could not have been worse and the Prime Minister clearly needs someone in an office filled with sycophants to grab his collar and shake these sorts of bad ideas out of his head.

And left his pathetic sycophants looking like stooges.

Or I could thank Jason Kenney again... for proving that there IS a hidden agenda.

The guide condemns "barbaric cultural practices" such as spousal abuse, honour killings and female genital mutilation, but ignores the barbaric practice of discriminating against someone based on their sexual preference.

Which we are going to use to KILL these bigot Cons in the next election.

And while we're at it... I suppose that while Harper does the Torture Tango.

And Jason Kenney sings Onward Christian Soldiers...or I'm a Closet Queen and I'm OK.

I could sing this song:

Stephen and Jason went up the hill
To fetch a golden majority.
Stephen fell down and broke his crown,
And Jason came tumbling after.

But since it's almost Spring in Canada.

And my companion Sébastien is back later today after almost three weeks in Haiti.

I hope you don't mind if I sing this silly little song instead...

Because I know the joy, the power, and the glory of gay love. Where a kiss is still an act of defiance that could get you killed. But bigotry only makes that love stronger.

Oh yeah....and Jason Kenney can eat his dirty heart out. Or BITE me.

Have a happy Sunday everyone !!!

See you when I see you ...


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I see you're still blocking anyone from criticizing your facist-left rantings

    name calling and conjecture make you look the fool.

  2. hi anonymous...I delete about five comments a week, because I will not publish homophobic garbage on my blog.

    As for the conjecture part...didn't you read the editorial in this post?

    Or how about these excerpts from a letter from Margaret Hancock, the Executive Director of Family Service Toronto.

    The deliberate exclusion from Canada's citizenship guide of the country's laws regarding same-sex marriage and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation sends a dangerous message of intolerance to the public and establishes this guide as a personal position paper, not a Canadian document.

    This is an unacceptable act of oppression – the thin edge of a wedge that strikes at the heart of Canada's identity.

    And actually it's worse than that. By warning prospective immigrants against the abuse of women, but removing warnings about homophobia Jason Kenney has exposed gay Canadians to being abused, hurt or murdered.

    And I will fight him and his theocons until the day I die.

    P.S. If you knew what information about the activities of those theocons has recently come into my possession, you would shut your yappy fascist mouth.

    And call yourself a FOOL...

  3. Anonymous12:11 AM

    There's a website named
    and its person is Fred Patterson a former disc jockey with CFNY. He was Fred of the Humble and Fred show.

    He regularly cuts out comments he doesn't like--like mine for instance.

    If your views aren't cut from the same cloth as his, you're likely to get cut off.

    It seems to be a standard practise of conservative sites to delete opinions that don't fit the host's mould. Then, of course, there are conservative sites with no comments like Cathy Shaidle's site.

    I wonder if "anonymous" is a regular of FreddieP's site or sites like his.

    Go look at his site and be concerned how the right of free speech has been corrupted by conservatives.

  4. hi Torontonian...look my position is this...if a decent conservative ...and there are a few...wants to argue about something I said fine. They are free to do that. But I have no time for Con trolls. I don't troll their sites so they can stay away from my blog. I just don't have the time to put up with nonsense like that.
    As for Freddie...I don't think I'll visit his site if you don't mine. I'm singularly uninterested in what Con bloggers have to say.
    And besides Freddie might follow me back and haven't you seen the movie? ;)
