Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Swine Flu and the Harper Cons

I know nobody wants to talk about it. But in case you haven't noticed the Swine Flu pandemic has taken a turn for the worse.

One moment you have what seems like an ordinary bug, and the next moment your lungs stop working.

"If you're young and healthy, you can recover from that severe lung injury. People do. But it takes a very long time.....Sometimes we're talking about a month, five weeks on a ventilator before you are breathing on your own. Some people can be left with so much residual lung damage, they will have abnormal lungs for their lifetime."

And if we get hid hard, and enough young and healthy people get sick, we won't have enough ventilators to treat them.

Or enough vaccine in time.

A fully licensed vaccine against human swine flu may not be available until the end of the year, months after a second wave of flu is expected to hit Canada in the fall, World Health Organization officials said Monday.

But despite all these alarming signs Stephen Harper's Con government isn't taking the threat seriously.

Where is the evidence that Canada is taking the swine flu seriously?...Nothing like what the U.S. leaders said has been uttered by their counterparts in Canada.....Prime Minister Stephen Harper has not spoken out on the issue....By failing to express a similar urgency, Canada's leaders are indicating it is okay to be complacent...

Great eh?

I knew we were in trouble when Stephen Harper finally revealed his plans to eliminate ALL taxes.

Destroy government and medicare. And turn our country into an anarchist jungle.

Perhaps Harper was oversimplifying; maybe he didn't fully think through what he was saying. But this is the prime minister of the country, not some guy who's had one too many drinks at a cocktail party and begun railing against the evils of government.

But who knew incompetence could be so DEADLY?

Oh boy. We were warned but didn't listen.

And now it's going to KILL us....


  1. Simon are you aware of the Bergermeister action:the lawsuit against the WHO, Baxter, Obama etc. and genocide and the compulsory vaccination?
    Don't know why other bloggers are picking up on this.

  2. Hi Oemissions...yes I am aware of Jane Burgermeister's suit, and I do believe that in the age we live in paranoia can be a higher state of consciousness :)
    But I find her conspiracy theory too fanciful to believe. There are real dangers in rushing a vaccine into production without proper time trials. But the alternative could be worse. Having to decide for example, which teenager will live and which one will die?
    And should the virus mutate suddenly and become more deadly, then we'll be glad to have ANYTHING that could dampen its effects.
    I don't think people should panic, but we definitely should be prepared for ANYTHING that might happen...
