Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Harpo Monster and the Gay People

Well I see they took Great Ugly Leader into the Con repair laboratory after his shocking host heist, and his disastrous and embarrassing European Tour.

The idea was to make the Harpo monster more human-like, less inclined to crazy outbursts, and to try to suppress his natural instincts to tear his opponents apart and EAT them. Or roll on the ground and bite the media ....or the carpet.

So they could repackage him as Mr Almost Nice Guy. Again. And try to fool more idiot Canadians into giving him a majority.

The good news? They found the host.

The bad news? They couldn't remove the homophobia.

"To be told that there is no money, when there is. They have $100 million put aside; they chose not to give to Divers/Cité. The reasons … we don’t know. Is it we're gay? Is it we're Montrealers? We’re Québécois?

Because the sinister theocons in the PMO wouldn't allow it. Their rabid base hates gay people, the arts, AND Quebec. So they get triple Con Krazy points for this one.

But at least now these Harperites can't hide their homophobia anymore. They can't conceal that this Reform government is being controlled by SoCons. And that it is openly discriminating against gay people.

And the BEST news? Once the MSM, like a lot of Canadians, used to dismiss the SoCon Menace. Or not take it seriously.

Now they can't ignore it.

And that can only hurt the Cons...and Great Hatemonger Leader.

Hello no longer Hidden Agenda.

Campaign Life Coalition's Mary Ellen Douglas said she is pleased with the government's decision in this case. "I think it's good news that the Conservative government has taken a stand against funding the Montreal festival...It appears that the portfolio is now in more experienced hands," she said.

Bye bye Diane Ablonczy. Bye Bye majority.Thank you gay people !!!

You're welcome eh? Homophobes are annoying, but like some idiots they can be USEFUL.

Now let's defeat these miserable bigot Cons.

Before the monster EATS our country....


  1. Meanwhile Heddy Fry is blabbing that no Conservatives have signed up for a float in the Vancouver Pride Parade.
    She says they have never participated in all the 18 years of the parade.
    Georgia Straight has the goods.

  2. AHHHH LOL! YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN! One of my favourite movies! And this, I might add... is one of my favourite blogs.

    They can't conceal that this Reform government is being controlled by SoCons. And that it is openly discriminating against gay people.

    It's not hard to see... but I still ask myself, If Canadians notice, will they care? I'm sorry, I'm so pessimistic *sigh*
