Friday, July 31, 2009

The Garbage Strike That Didn't Eat Toronto

Well the Great Toronto Garbage Strike is finally over.

And despite all the screaming and wailing by right-wing ninnies we actually managed to survive. The Bubonic Plague didn't kill us before the Swine Flu does. And the rats didn't eat us.

In fact, the only real stench in the air was a lot of overheated anti-union rhetoric from a bunch of crabby whiners .....and their cheerleaders in our right-wing media.

Like living in Hell? Give me a break. Inconvenient maybe. But apart from having to haul our garbage to the dump by the dock on my bike, the only thing I really noticed was that my island was eerily quiet....

The ferries weren't working so the thousands of people who visit it every week didn't come.

The concessions were closed.

So you couldn't buy an expensive slice of pizza anywhere.

And so was this humble little amusement park.

Which was sad because 400 people...mostly students... work here every summer.

On the other hand I didn't mind having the nude beach practically to myself.

Because I'm shy about sharing that kind of beach.

Just like this little turtle...

Who took advantage of the peace and quiet to lay her eggs in broad daylight.

Which reminds me of the only really bad thing that happened during the strike.

My pet raccoon Rocket disappeared...and was last seen heading for the garbage dump raccoon restaurant.

To be honest, I don't really miss him that much eh?

But my dog is DEVASTATED.

Oh well. I'm just glad the strike is over.

Welcome back people.

Come home Rocket...

UPDATE: Some Con hacks on the City Council are trying to sabotage the deal. Which only goes to show you that no garbage is quite as stinky as a filthy ratty Con...


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I saw people on TV talking about how they are now conservation minded--particularly about packaging. There were others who have decided to compost at home.

    The press liked to protray the crybabies but there are many who are concerend about the impact of their waste.

    If even 5% of them reduce their output by half because of diversion, imagine how much lighter the loads will be. At this rate, the idea will catch on and there will be fewer garbage workers in a few years' time.

    So, there is an up-side to this and the city could start being much greener with a little encouragement and imagination.

    Maybe we'll even come up to the standards of some of the European cities from whom we should have learned these lessons decades ago.

  2. Hi're right about that. I think this strike made people aware of how much garbage we produce. Just like a blackout makes people aware of how much electricity we use.
    And if that's the case I think that alone would make this strike more than worth it.
    I supported the strike because I read that the ones who really stood to benefit were a lot of poorly paid women and part time workers.
    And although it WAS inconvenient I thought the wretched anti-union horseshit that filled the airwaves was even more annoying.
    Me I take it as just another price you pay to live in a wild, messy, and wonderful place like a big city. Cheap at the price... :)
