Thursday, June 11, 2009

When the AmeriCons Attack Medicare

I'm sure you've seen their TV ads.

Now the New York Time's Nicholas Kristof comes to the defence of Canada and medicare.

The bottom line is that America’s health care system spends nearly twice as much per person as Canada’s (building the wealth of hospital tycoons like Mr. Scott). Yet our infant mortality rate is 40 percent higher than Canada’s, and American mothers are 57 percent more likely to die in childbirth than Canadian ones.

Reminds us what healthcare in the United States is really like...

“The first person I saw was a lady with a computer,” she said, “asking me how I intended to pay the bill.” Ms. Tucker did, in fact, have insurance, but she was told she would have to pay herself and seek reimbursement.

Nothing was seriously wrong, and the hospital discharged her after five hours. The bill came to $8,789.29.

And tells us more about the right-wing nut behind the ads.

Rick Scott, a former hospital company chief executive, leads a group called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights. He was forced to resign as C.E.O. after his company defrauded the government through overbilling and is now spending his time trying to block meaningful health care reform by terrifying us with commercials of “real-life stories of the victims of government-run health care.”

Figures eh?

And remember that's what the Harper Cons want to do to our healthcare system. Starve it and privatize it and turn it into a jungle.

Because a Con is always a Con. They don't care about people. They don't mind hurting them. For them it's just about ideology and greed. They think that cancer is "sexy."

Boy am I happy we're almost rid of them. So proud of our wonderfully human medicare system.

So lucky to be a Canadian...

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