Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama, Iran and My Crazy Weekend

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I guess I should have known that it was going to be a very strange weekend when the Cirque du Soleil invaded the waterfront.

Which was great.

But then there was the bad news about Obama

Which made me really angry.

And the news from Iran which made me even angrier and depressed.

The midget monkey madman stole the election.

But then I saw the pictures.

And the YouTubes.

And I read this.

Yesterday, we showed that together our strength is limitless and no force in the world can stop millions of united people. It is a new day today … a new bloody battleground and together WE WILL WIN!"

And suddenly my spirits soared. Because then I knew that the Mullah dictators might be able to put down the demonstrators with their brutal security forces. But they will never be able to silence that struggle for change and freedom. And NOTHING will ever be the same again.

And on the Obama front there was this encouraging development...

So at the end of the weekend I was all confused. Slamming the punching bag to get the anger out of my system. While doing a little dance to make Sebastien laugh.

You know angry and defiant. But happy because the new generation seems to have FINALLY realized that if they don't save their future who the fuck will?

They are not taking no for an answer. They are taking it to the streets.

And we WILL win.

So now all we need to do in this country is defeat Stephen Harper and his foul Cons.

So I can finally give up blogging. Swap the bullshit for a bull rush hat.

And run away with the Cirque....

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