Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lisa Raitt's Sad and Pathetic Performance

Oh dear. If I was a drama critic reviewing Lisa Raitt's performance today I'm afraid I'd have to say she bombed.

She recounted her experience as a child, helping care for her father for 18 months before he died of colon cancer when she was 11.....Twenty years later, she said, she was "in the room" when her 36-year-old brother died of lung cancer.

Because it made absolutely no sense. She had that tragic personal experience and she STILL calls cancer "sexy?" Gawd. What kind of a callous monster bad actress is she?

And as for the tears give me a break. I realize the thugs in the PMO must have prepped her by whispering "your career....your career... your poor poor career."

And reminding her she had made Great Ugly Leader look like an IDIOT. Because yesterday he said she had nothing to apologize for. But today she did. So she better cry a LOT to make Ugly feel better.

But no...... I don't think even that can explain those crocodile tears. Because Lisa Raitt is no wilting flower. She's a tough ruthless bully who ran one of the nastiest campaigns in recent Canadian history against Garth Turner. And when she was CEO of the Toronto Port Authority she ran the waterfront like she owned it.....and used the courts to silence her opponents.

No the only thing that can explain that hideous performance and those moist eyes, is if John Baird had peeled an onion and told her to squeeze it during her speech.

Because judging by the stink lines ....and the allegations....he's ALWAYS trying to help her..

Transport Minister John Baird is facing allegations that he appointed additional members to the Toronto Port Authority to "cover up" claims of mismanagement against cabinet colleague Lisa Raitt.

What a guy. Or was it her poor friend , aide scapegoat who left the tapes in the washroom...and didn't pick them up for five months?

So now they really STINK.

Lisa Raitt told aide Jasmine MacDonnell that she suspects Environment Minister Jim Prentice took the money for wind power and redirected it to his Clean Energy Plan – a $1-billion fund for research and development in the oil sands.

Of dirty oil fumes....

Golly. You don't think this Unguided Weapon of Mass Ambition Destruction could bring down the whole Con government?

Wow. Keep up the good work Lisa !!!!

Boo hoo hooey.



  1. good that you weren't fooled.
    i suppose the cancer family victims felt better.

  2. Hi she can't fool me. I've never had the misfortune to meet her, but EVERYONE on the island hates her for ramming plans for a larger airport down their throats, and for her hardball tactics which were simply disgraceful.
    As for the cancer patients...after what happened with my friend, I don't even dare ask them what they think.
    You know I don't want to be unfair....and it was a private conversation. But I would never ever call cancer sexy even if I was drunk or high.
    And it's just so typical of how these Cons think. So I'm damned if I'll forgive her... :)
