Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Con Thugs and the Underground Railroad

When I was a small boy living in a Scottish village, long before I knew I'd be coming to Canada, I read about the Underground Railroad.

About the Canadians who helped black Americans escape from the horror of slavery. People like Dr. Alexander Milton Ross. The hero they called the Bird Man.

And it thrilled every bone in my young body. Because even back then I knew that helping people to be free was one of the best things you could ever do.

So imagine how proud I was to find myself a Canadian. Not just living in a country with real cowboys and indians !!!! But living in the land of the Underground Railroad. Welcome to the Land of Freedom.

And then try to imagine how disgusted I am to see a Canadian government that not only deports refugees back to some of the most dangerous countries in the world. But won't even grant safe refuge to it's OWN citizens.

Like Omar Khadr and Abousfian Abdelrazik.

In his decision, Federal Court Judge Russell Zinn wrote that Abdelrazik is a "prisoner in a foreign land" and "as much a victim of international terrorism as the innocent persons whose lives have been taken by recent barbaric acts of terrorists."

A gang of thuggish ReformCons who have to be ordered by the courts to respect the human rights of Canadians. And still fight these court decisions tooth and claw like the filthy racists did in the American South.

Speaking for the government, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said government lawyers would need time to review the 107-page decision before deciding its course of action.

As if Abdelrazik hasn't waited long enough. As if Omar hadn't waited FOREVER.

It's so horrible and so disappointing.

You know I'm still proud to be a Canadian. Still proud to live in the country of the heroes of the Underground Railroad....the land of medicare and gay marriage. Still pulling for the indians to beat the cowboys.

But Stephen Harper and his Con thugs stole my beautiful Land of Freedom.

And I want it BACK....

1 comment:

  1. I love my Canada too. It was a great place not too long ago.

    Some of these "citizens" are not really Canadians. But they want to hide behind our skirts. We don't like to play those games anymore. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
