Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gaza: The War Criminals Strike Again

When I saw the ugly plume of black smoke coming from the U.N. compound in Gaza City at first I was horrified.

Israeli forces opened fire on the United Nations headquarters in Gaza City Thursday, setting the compound ablaze and destroying tonnes of humanitarian aid meant for victims of the 20-day conflict.

The final strike sent thousands of tonnes of food aid up in flames, Ging said. Fuel supplies were later ignited by the blaze, unleashing giant plumes of black smoke into the air.

And then I was angry. How low can these war criminals go? In a city so full of dead, wounded, and suffering people, how could they attack the food supply or the precious fuel that keeps the generators, the X-Ray machines, and the incubators running?

How could they attack a hospital?

About 500 people including patients were huddled in a Gaza City hospital that suffered a "direct hit" in an Israeli air strike Thursday, the international Red Cross said, condemning the incident as unacceptable.

And I don't care what the Israeli hawks have to say about these latest atrocities. By now it must be clear to everyone...except their fanatical supporters...that these war criminals will lie about anything and everything to justify their genocidal mission.

By now it must be clear that Israel is a rogue state hanging only by a few threads of human decency from Israelis like Gideon Levy.

About a third of those killed in Gaza have been children - 311, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 270 according to the B'Tselem human rights group - out of the 1,000 total killed as of Wednesday. Around 1,550 of the 4,500 wounded have also been children according to figures from the UN, which says the number of children killed has tripled since the ground operation began.

No pilot or soldier went to war to kill children. Not one among them intended to kill children, but it also seems neither did they intend not to kill them. They went to war after the IDF had already killed 952 Palestinian children and adolescents since May 2000.

The public's shocking indifference to these figures is incomprehensible. A thousand propagandists and apologists cannot excuse this criminal killing. One can blame Hamas for the death of children, but no reasonable person in the world will buy these ludicrous, flawed propagandistic goods in light of the pictures and statistics coming from Gaza.

If good brave Israelis like Gideon Levy can stand up to the blood soaked hawks that run his country so can we.

We must publish the stories and the pictures those hawks don't want us to see. We must write to our MPs and demand that Canada raise its voice in protest no matter what the foul Harper government says or does. We must support the heroic doctors and relief workers who are trying to ease the misery and the pain.

To be silent at a time like this is a crime against humanity. Shout it out from the rooftops.

For the sake of human decency stop this genocidal war against the helpless people of Gaza.

Stop the cowardly war criminals and their Death Machine before more innocent children are murdered or maimed.

Enough is enough is ENOUGH....

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