Friday, May 30, 2008

When Gay Victims Become Nazis

The other day I wrote a post about a memorial to the gay victims of the Holocaust. So you can imagine how horrified I was to see this.

A leading Holocaust scholar has criticized a monument in Berlin to homosexual victims of Nazi Germany unveiled this week, saying the location was poorly chosen.

"The location was particularly poorly chosen for this monument. If visitors have the impression that there was not a great difference between the suffering of Jews and those of homosexuals, it's a scandal," Gutman said, according to AFP. "A sense of proportion must be maintained."

And a sense of proportion isn't maintained? A scandal? Over a small concrete cube like this one?

From a scholar and a Holocaust survivor associated with the Yad Vashem Institute?

Words fail me.

So I think I'll let Dr Dawg speak to it instead.

All I would add to that is that Gutman's words sadden and disappoint me. Because although it's right to acknowledge the scale and genocidal intention of the Jewish Holocaust. Not to recognize the suffering of others murdered by the Nazis for who they were is simply unforgivable.

But what do you expect from a man who would say this?

Gutman, himself a Holocaust survivor, said the Nazis persecuted "exclusively German" homosexuals, many of them Nazis. They were "victims of internal political battles within the NSDAP," the Nazi party of Adolf Hitler, he said.

The gay victims of the Holocaust as Nazis?

Even though they were cruelly abused by both guards and inmates. Used for medical experiments. Sixty per cent didn't survive. And none are alive now to defend themselves.

How truly evil is that?

I honour ALL the victims of the Holocaust. I believe that they would want me to work for a better world where genocide isn't allowed to happen. Never again.

That wretched old bigot dishonours the memory of all who died.

He should hang his head in shame.

And how should gay people deal with this latest outrage?

The same old. Keep on fighting the hate that leads to genocide.

Remember the dead, and all those who are still being assaulted, tortured, or murdered all over the world.

And of course keep the kiss alive....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Jeeze Gutman, how special do you need to be?
