Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine and the Simple Song of Love

I know that Valentine's Day is an over commercialized and often tacky celebration.

I realize that not everyone has a Valentine...or even wants one.

And that you don't have to look very far to find plenty of reasons to hate Cupid's Big Day.

Especially this one...

All the displays of perfect, flippy-haired coupledom only serve to turbo-charge the sneaking suspicion that everyone else is far more in love and having heaps more sex than you are.

I also recognize that love takes many forms.

Just like Valentine cards can be happy or sad. Or funny

And that if I had to choose a card out of that collection.

I'm afraid I would probably have to choose this one to give to mine.

But in a world full of violence and hate, a day that celebrates love can't be all that bad.

So to those who are alone and like it that way...happy love yourself day. And don't eat TOO much chocolate.

To those who are playing the field...may your many loves light up your life like the stars in the sky. And don't forget to play safe.

To those who are looking for their Valentine...good luck and don't ever give up. Thanks to the internet it has never been easier to find a companion. And if your heart is open to the possibility of love, you WILL find him or her.

But as for me...I've found mine. I love and admire him more every year. For his toughness, and his gentleness, his courage and his idealism. And of course his beauty... and his funny Frenchyness.

I couldn't IMAGINE life without him.

And I know he loves me.... for some mysterious reason....just as much as I love him. Because he's proved it so many times.

Some of my gay friends sometimes make fun of me for being so lovestruck after all these years. But I don't care.

Because today I get to say...... Happy Valentine's Day Sébastien mon amour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And how lucky I am.

Oh yeah.... love is what you make of it. But you know it doesn't have to be an opera or a great symphony.

Sometimes like a hug and a kiss.

A sweet, and simple song is more than good enough...

Happy Love Day everyone!!!

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