Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Flaming Pope and the Priestly Pervert

You know when I read the story about the flaming Pope in Poland I thought it was crazy enough.

From Mother Theresa in a cinammon bun, to the Virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich - images resembling religious icons are regularly spotted in unlikely places.

Now this fiery figure - photographed in a bonfire in Poland - is being hailed as Pope John Paul II making an appearance from beyond the grave.

But then I took another look at the picture and I thought it was even NUTTIER. I mean EVERYONE knows that there aren't any flames in heaven...only in hell. So WTF are those ignorant Polski peasants yapping about ?

If that's the Pope in the Bonfire he's only out because his Satanic Majesty gave him a day pass.

And that's not something to CELEBRATE. Or is it?

Besides don't these dummies know that if you want to see a flaming Pope you have to go to Rome?

Isn't that as OBVIOUS as this story?

Oh not the fact that the alleged pervert is a Canadian. That's shocking and disgusting...and will shame us in the eyes of the world.

But this part....

The lead suspect in an international pedophile investigation volunteered at a B.C. school and was a chaplain with the air cadets in Nova Scotia.

The volunteer work was part of his training at Christ of the King seminary, where Neil was studying to become a priest.

Praise the Lord. And pass the straitjackets and the handcuffs.

Crazy religion working to make the world a crazier and more dangerous place.

Look ...here's my bottom line.

Let them see the Pope in a Pepperoni Pizza. Or Mary in a Mama Burger.

Or Jesus on a fish stick....or a dental X-ray .... or in a nacho pan ....or EVERYWHERE.

Holy Madunga indeed.

Let them live in their crazy world.

Just keep them away from the children...


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    you said it, simon!!!!!!! send them all to an island , a plane drop off because it's not boat accessible....they can live among themselves.

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I just spent my last medieval history class condemning the bible... it was awesome... the prof was like, i know this is a touchy subject.... but this is what actually happened :P
