Friday, September 14, 2007

Now Even the Liberals Know that Dion is a Dud

Up until a few minutes ago I thought the most stunning news of the week was the report that our poor little earth just might survive the REAL doomsday...the day when the sun blows up.

Isn't that great news? Woohoo!! Now we can all be optimistic again.

Unless of course you're a Liberal.

See what I mean? Isn't that even MORE stunning? The Liberals have FINALLY realized that Stephane Dion is the most clankingly incompetent decent but hopeless political leader to come along since Joe Clark.

Or have they?

Oh dear. Hope and denial are such a bad mix...

You know I can understand the Liberals trying to put up a brave front. What else are they going to do with an election call maybe only weeks away?

But what I can't understand is why it took them so long to realize that Dion is a dud. When a dummy like me had it all figured out SEVEN months ago.

When I warned the walking pinata NOT to go for an election....unless he wanted to hang himself.

So where are we now?

Dion is even MORE of a disaster than he was before. And he's STILL threatening to bring the government down...and hang himself.

Except now he could hang us all.

Great. I can see how this story is going to end. Not with a bang. Like the sun.

But a toga party...

My question for the Liberals you think you could use Halloween as an excuse....

And have your little toga party BEFORE the next election?



  1. The Liberals have FINALLY realized that Stephane Dion is the most clankingly incompetent decent but hopeless political leader to come along since Joe Clark.

    What on earth does Kim Campbell have to do to get mentioned in blogs these days?

    (or were you talking about the Second Coming of Boredom, the political leader that some young Reformers dubbed "Jurassic Clark" -- and even made up stationary for)

  2. A little too early to be tap dancing on Dion's grave, I think. Let's see how the voters really feel next week before we start coming to definite conclusions.

  3. Hi feynman...hmmm...yes...but I still think Clark is a better comparison. Particularly since he brought down the house on his Dion is threatening to do.

    Hi Red! maybe in Outremont...I still think he might pull it off there.And believe me I really don't wish the wacky professor any ill. Quite to the contrary. I'm just frustrated at how he hasn't been able to put a dent in Harper des[ite all the opportunities...and by his total inability to understand Quebec public opinion and get any traction there. Maybe the man will miraculously improve during an election campaign...but I'm almost too afraid to look...
    But not too full of myself to predict that history will prove me right. :)
