Friday, July 20, 2007

The Invasion of the Rubber Duckies

I must admit I just LOVE the story about the rubber duckies who used the world's oceans as their bathtub.

Not just because the British tabloids are breathlessly reporting the latest developments.

And that's ALWAYS hilarious....

THE first of 29,000 rubber ducks circling the oceans may have landed in Britain.

Retired teacher Penny Harris, 60, found this toy while walking her dog on a North Devon beach.

Penny said last night: “It’s covered in brown algae and has got barnacles on it.”

But because the incredible journey of the little bathtub toys has its wistful side.

The rubber ducks are, in a way, the duck-shaped kindred of the speaker of the Anglo-Saxon poem The Seafarer, who "wretched and sorrowful / on the ice-cold sea / dwelt for a winter / in the paths of exile / bereft of friendly kinsmen / hung about with icicles".

They knew nothing and cared less, as they travelled the barren expanses of ocean, of the September 11 attacks or the disappointing sales of the third Spice Girls album. They did not follow the ins and outs of David Beckham's career or the cash-for-honours scandal. They forgot the cry of gulls.....

Wow that's As deep as the oceans they've been bobbing across for fifteen years.

But it really does makes you think about how we're all just floating along on the currents of life. And isn't it good to know that the little floaters will probably be around long after we've gone?

On the other hand....... I must admit what I REALLY want to know is where did Gay Ducky end up?

Not with Ernie I hope...

Oh well.... somebody had to scrub the barnacles off....

And everybody needs a ducky to squeeze every now and then. Or squeeze you...

So don't forget to squeeze yours.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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