Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Dyke March and the Big Gay Party

I went downtown again today to watch the Dyke March. And caught the magic moment when my beautiful sisters roared out of the Gay Village on their bikes...Vroom Vroom...loud and proud. It really made my heart JUMP.

I've never wanted to be a lesbian...I think...but I sure did then!!!

Although it's a relatively small march... tens of thousands of people lined the route. The dirty old straight men and teenage boys were there with their cameras and cell phones hoping to take pictures of boobies.

But instead behind the angry bikes.... came the mighty Dyke Tyke Brigade...

(click to enlarge)

The straight guys must have been disappointed. But I thought it was brilliant.

And cute...

What a great way to show what we are all about. LOVE and FAMILY ...just like THEY are.

Then it was back to Church Street where the party was just beginning...

Believe it or not...

Where the boys were waiting...

And this one invited me to join his Gay Army...

But I declined. I have to admit the offer was inviting. But I've never heard of the GAY TROJAN ARMY have you?

So instead I decided to cool down.... by sitting under a tree in a garden.... and watching this brother from a Gay Asian support group perform a graceful dance.

And he was beautiful...

But then so was EVERYONE else. The gay and straight people who keep making the Big Toronto Gay Party such a mega event..

Yup. Even as the religious crazies keep coming after us. (You can read more about the sicko and Christian terrorist Bill WhattheFuck here. )

Even as these hatemongers try to make as ugly as they can. So that they can whip up hatred against us and keep trying to ruin our lives. Over and over again.

We just keep showing them...over and over again. That as this year's Pride slogan says


But now I've got to scoot.... The night is young. I've got to get out there until I drop...and still make it back to bed not TOO late... so I can wake up in time to catch the parade tomorrow.

But if I don't make it ...feel free to blame the Trojan Army...just don't tell Sebastien...

Oh yeah I forgot... the video....well if you want to see this year's Best Gay Video Choice you have to go here.

But I'm submitting this old fave by Erasure. Again. Because to me it speaks for the spirit of our Big Gay Party....

For why I fight. Who I love.

And the kind of world I want to live in...

Happy Pride everyone!!

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