Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fucking Kyoto and the Plan to Bomb Bomb Iran

Canada in hard is it to worry about global warming in this country when it's minus 17 degrees centigrade outside? Answer: really hard.

Especially when you know that Stephen Harper's Big Oil pimps aren't going to do anything to control greenhouse emissions. So Canada can only get warmer. And Big Oil can only get bigger....

"Baird promised to regulate industry which accounts for about half of Canada's emissions. He says this will be done using intensity targets which require companies to produce fewer emissions per unit of output - BUT COULD STILL ALLOW TOTAL EMISSIONS TO INCREASE...."

Huh? I know these oil pimps are never going to kiss the Kyoto. But that's a farce.

But maybe it's just as well...... I mean how much time can you spend worrying about the fate of future generations? You gotta save some time to worry about us.... and more urgent problems. Like where are we ordering out from tonight.? Who is getting the beer...and the weed? And of course the plan to bomb bomb bomb....bomb bomb Iran....

Now that's something to REALLY worry about. But as for all this Kyoto most Canadians...I think I'd rather pass....

I mean am I REALLY going to give up my love for fast cars and motorbikes....or stop flying planes? Am I really not going to jump on to a big stinky polluting jet and head for a sunny beach in March? Or not heat my home or my igloo? Or not spend half an hour in a hot shower.....after an older guy has had his way with me? Or not crank up the air conditioning in the the first drop of sweat on my brow....or my bum? Am I really going to take public transit out to IKEA and bring home a new toilet bowl.....on the bus?

Nah.....not a chance....and I don't think many other Canadians will either.... so I'm afraid we're going to have to be honest and tell the rest of the world....that if they want to kiss the Kyoto to go ahead. But we just can't....coz even if we don't freeze in the dark....we might be really really inconvenienced....

Like being forced to take showers in our underwear...

And if the Kyoto goody goodies don't like that....then we'll just have to hit them with the cruel facts of life.

Energy hogs are energy hogs. Oink. Oink. And we can't change even if we wanted to. Coz we're the oil whore of Amerika. Oinkety Oink. We live in The Great White North.

And life is harsh...

Oh Canada.......(sigh).....does anybody in Florida ....or Australia....want to adopt me?

But you know what I mean....if the planet is going to burn....and we really can't do anything about it. Just like we can't stop the war with Iran. And all those Iranians are going to be bomb bomb bombed. And all those children who haven't been born are going to die of starvation one day. Or be eaten by other hungry people. As crops wither in the fields. And sea levels rise.

How are we going to explain all this to the children who are alive today? That the scientists warned us...but we let the politicians play their stupid games....because we didn't really want to change the way we lived our lives?

Global warming will hurt the poorest countries most. Trying to head it off or reduce it's impact will hurt the richest.

I think we better explain all of this to the children now.

So they're not disappointed later...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    What we really need is a green tax.... ON INDUSTRIES! Not on the populous. But businesses and factories and the such. There is so much more industries can do to prevent pollution with today's technology, they do not implemented hwoever to save money. If there was a green tax, they would be forced to implement it or be taxed heavier. Or something like that...
