Monday, June 12, 2006

Immorality and anti-gay bigotry

A few years ago when I was still a teenager and went to the recruiting office to sign up for the gay conspiracy, it all came down to a skill testing question. "Simon," said the examiner, "do you know what a faggot is?"

"Of course I do," I said. " It's a rude name for a gay guy, just like nigger, frog, or Paki. I never use words like that."

"Yes, yes," said the examiner looking at me like I was an idiot. "That's obvious. But that's only the prejudice you can hear or see."

"What a naive young fool like you needs to remember is that a faggot is a gay guy who just left the room. Never forget that, and you'll never be disappointed..."

At the time I thought that the guy was being a little too pessimistic and bitter. But after reading this poll now I'm not so sure. I thought I had no illusions. I can even see the bright side. Blasphemy is a real problem in Canada. But I'm still disappointed. And really angry too.

So one out of every three Canadians thinks that homosexuality is immoral. And I bet you it's higher than that. When people answer polls like this one they usually give the questioner what they think the questioner wants to hear. So it's probably more like fifty per cent. Between one out of three and one out of two Canadians thinks we're born immoral. Wow. Isn't that nice?

Add that to a recent poll showing that sixty percent of Canadians believe that if an employee reveals they are gay it will hurt their careers. And another poll showing that 60 percent of Canadians are disturbed by the sight of two men kissing. And you can see what a problem we've got.

I wonder where that filth comes from? You don't think it's just another example of the poison called religious bigotry?

You know religion that kills.

It sure does explain a lot of things though. Why our long struggle for justice and equality has taken so long.Why our issues aren't taken seriously in the media or even the blogging world. Why so few of our so-called straight friends ever lift a finger to help us. Why the bullying and the bashing goes on and on. And why in the end we can only really count on ourselves.

When you break down the poll there are other disturbing revelations. Like the fact that it's not just old people who think that Canada is a really immoral country. Many new immigrants do too. Think we're godless and unclean. But we'll leave that for some other time. Along with the discussion about what it really means when so many Canadians feel so strongly about the immorality of extra-marital sex or blasphemy.

Actually, maybe we can leave that one for the day they put out a poll on hypocrisy. I can hardly wait to see those scores. I bet we'll all do really well.

But right now I just want to congratulate this year's graduating class of young gay recruits.

I want to encourage them to fight really hard while they still can. Before the battle for our human rights against the filthy bigots of this world is finally over. And we finally win.

Until that happy day always remember what a faggot is.

And what happens when you leave the room...


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    There are still many people out there who do not have a clue about what it means to be gay, and they never will. Society has driven it into the heads of people at a young age that gay people are deviants, immoral or child molesters and ought to be shunned. That comes directly from religion and those who spew the bullshit from pulpits are directly responsible for this, although they refuse to accept responsibility for the broken bones, shattered self confidence and thousands upon thousands of deaths they are responsible for. It's time to place the blame totally where it belongs: on organized religions and their attempts to lie to and control lives.

  2. Hold it there now,
    for a change you seem to have got a few things completely arse backwards (but then...hmm.)
    the poll about immorality seems to be a far more accurate measure of hypocrisy than any real indicator of the views of Canadians - as you may have noticed I don't usually hide my head in the sand but these results are plain fucked:
    and to take our favourite example, faggotry, I suspect that the inverse of what you say is true - that the poll shows people being MORE judgemental than they really are!
    My recently very close in-laws are a great case study - starting with the head crustacean eater (mother-in-law) who both loves and admires the present pope and his predecessor AND firmly believes that our moving into the area was arranged in heaven: she was devastated eight years ago when her eldest son (him separated with a grown up son of his own) came out to her - the people who helped her most were the nuns in the family (the ones who believe the next pope should be a woman): still, the old girl and my partner's son share some issues about queers: but have been learning to deal with them and especially as we have come to openly take our places in the family, the deep love that has developed between all of us has altered their acquired bigotry: but in an interview, asked the right way, they will show doubts and attitudes that are in fact NOT part of their changing reality.
    I mention the personal details since they clearly represent an amazingly changed situation: whereas twenty years ago I received threats (and more) in a rural setting, we now have neighbours who welcome us: not a single negative reaction so far (and its not as if it's not clear that we are a couple).
    But that is why I started the long series of diatribes re-Eugene: we can rant about politics and such but it is through everyday situations that people are changed.
    AND that is not to say that activism is not important - it is extremely so - now especially - but such 'actions' need to be imbued with our humanity (dare one say love?) as much as with our anger...

  3. I think you're both right.Twisted religion is responsible for giving homophobia a respectable facade.And
    love and humanity are much better than anger. I mean what is our struggle about?
    And Leonard thank you for sharing that beautiful personal story. It's important to know about the good as well as the bad. I also agree with you that the more gay and straight people share their common humanity the more the barriers will come down. But how do you reach those beyond our families and friends? Studies show that most straights have no idea how bigotry affects gay people. So how can they understand how we feel about having what few rights we have stripped away? That makes me angry. But what I really am is impatient. If we have to wean them off hate one at a time it's going to take forever. And I want my fucking rights now!! I will however take your wise words to heart and keep trying to be a better human being -- or a less angrier one. But my warlike Scottish genes are a big problem. Just the sound of bagpipes makes me want to take on an army of homophobes. Or moon them like Mel Gibson did before they ripped him apart. I must admit I liked that part a lot. So I can't make any promises!

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  5. I noticed in your post said religion kills, linking to an article about some people who killed a few gay people because they thought it was moral.
    What's that called when you judge the whole based on the actions of the few? Oh yeah: stereotyping.
    Don't condemn us religious people as bigots until you yourself are free of bigotry. I mean, if you condemn bigotry with more bigotry, how are we supposed to sort out that bigotry is wrong? Just seems two-faced to us laymen.
