Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hey Toxic Trudeau Haters You Lost We Won!!!

It was a brutal campaign. The Cons and their bought media did all they could to destroy Justin Trudeau.

They smeared him over and over again. They whipped up hatred against him and encouraged violent mobs to attack him.

It was grotesque, it was criminal, it was totally un-Canadian.

But when the smoke cleared, he was still here.

And still the Prime Minister of Canada. 

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has won enough seats in this 44th general election to form another minority government — with voters signalling Monday they trust the incumbent to lead Canada through the next phase of the pandemic fight by handing him a third mandate with a strong plurality.

Leaving the ugly Con Erin O'Toole, with his foul mouth as wide open as a bat cave, attacking Trudeau yet again. 

Claiming Trudeau wants another election in eighteen months. Right.  

While no doubt wondering whether he will still be around in eighteen months, and which Con will be the first to stick a knife in his back.

As for the hapless Jagmeet Singh, who also smeared Justin Trudeau and lied like a Con, he must be wondering why his desperate last minute appeal to 12-year-old girls failed so miserably.

And left him and his party still stuck in fourth place, and still going NOWHERE. 

As for the sordid Con media, they are still trying to diminish the Liberal victory, by questioning why we had to have an election.

Even if that means ignoring the reason Trudeau was forced to call one.

And by making a strong minority sound like a loss.

When a win, is a win, is a WIN. 

But beyond the survival of our decent Prime Minister, and his wonderful thrashing of his grubby Con rivals, is the survival of his progressive agenda.

For his victory guarantees that a great plan for a national childcare program won't be killed by Erin O'Toole...

It will protect the rights of women and LGBT Canadians, from the sinister SoCons who would roll their rights back.

It will keep O'Toole and his filthy AmeriCons from flooding our cities with guns.

And most importantly it will ensure that the battle against climate change will continue, for the Liberal plan is by far the best plan.

Hailed by one expert after the other.

The Liberal plan isn’t perfect and it too has some unanswered questions in terms of policy implementation, but the answer to the biggest question in Canadian climate policy has already been answered. We know that Justin Trudeau and those around him are willing to fight for these policies, and that they understand the roles of the provinces while also embracing the role of the federal government in legislating for the country as a whole. 

If climate change is your issue, you should vote for the party that understands both the challenge of climate change and the path to a solution. In this election, that’s the Liberals.

And even enthusiastically endorsed by the former leader of BC's Green Party.

As for me, I'm especially delighted that the toxic Trudeau haters have taken a boot in the face.

So that sweaty Cons like the Disaffected Lib, who has done so much damage to Progressive Bloggers with his tiresome toxic Trudeau hate...

Can look even more ridiculous, or look even more like a loser, if that's possible.

The other day he called me and my readers "Liberal zealots," in his usual vulgar manner, for trying to prevent the Cons from getting a majority. Can you believe that?

It's outrageous, and I'm not going to let him or anyone else stir up hatred against me and my readers. Not in a country which is rapidly becoming a sewer of bigotry.   

But right now I just want to invite him, and any other dirty old Cons he knows, especially those who are suffering a lot, to join the celebrations.

So I can tell them.

We won, you lost.

Hey Kookarachas let's party!!!


  1. Congratulations to Team Trudeau and a win for progressive Canada. He is much more gracious than his sour-grapes opponents. He said that even if you didn't vote for him he would govern for you nonetheless, because a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. It's really pathetic that so many fail or refuse to realize that.

    Tool's rant was typical blame-Trudeau crap aimed at saving his job from the knives coming out. Singh was blah last night but then switched back to the usual Trudeau-bad rhetoric he's employed for the past four years since he became leader (which has arguably gotten worse since the end of election 43). Hearing some rumblings of upset with his leadership too so IDK, stay tuned for that.

    I didn't think JT could pull it off because of what I've seen the media do down here, and how Yankeefied and toxic they are up there. "Pointless election" was the "Hillary's emails" mantra this go-around. While it made an impact, it still didn't cost him the ballgame. Shachi Kurl cost the majority but not the ballgame. But Gerry Butts even said that it's possible that minority governments might become the rule rather than exception going forward, for as long as the Bloc exists. It could become an uphill battle for any party to win majority. All the more reason the pundits need to STFU about Trudeau "losing". He won. They need to get over it.

    Canadians so didn't want a change in government that they elected literally the same parliament. It wasn't an inconsequential election either. It may very well have been the result that ruptures the Cons back to their respective camps once and for all. It forced Kenney to reveal himself for his murderous incompetence and possibly resign in disgrace. It saw a progressive breakthrough in Alberta of all places and the Liberals seeing their best results in B.C. since St Laurent. And it has all but cemented legacy projects like daycare and a comprehensive climate plan given thumbs-up by industry-leading experts. That the DipperCons are so drunk on populist kool-aid they reject the consensus of experts is not Trudeau's fault but theirs.

    Canada is in a good place but the other parties need to take a lesson and cooperate rather than get up to their usual shenanigans. That's the part that bothers me because I know they won't. They'll be pursuing fake scandals and conspiracy theories soon enough, because it's all they have. I half expect the universe to converge whereby demands are made that the RCMP investigate Mario Dion and Mario Dion investigate the RCMP. Over what, you may ask? Nothing, really, just the usual BS nonsense that TRUDEAU IS BAD FOR CANADA!!! BENGHAZI!

    But perhaps now Trudeau will be wise enough to let them wear the blame if another early election happens due to their intransigence. Or perhaps they'll be so worn out by the campaign and their own ensuing internal dramas that they won't dare take the bait. If that unprecedented result happens, Trudeau could end up serving out a full term and possibly win a record fourth in 2025. We'll see.

    For now, a sigh of relief. Sunny ways are here again. As I noted in a comment on the previous post, Trudeau is the Tom Brady of Canadian federal politics. He's not only a Capricorn. Trudeau is the GOAT.

  2. A small point. The election is not over. There are almost a million mail-in ballots to be counted and around three dozen races where the margin of victory was less than 1000 votes. The results for those ridings will be impacted by the mail in ballots.

    In all likelihood when they are counted the result will be the same as now plus or minus a few seats but there is a possibility that the Liberal minority could be greatly reduced or they could pick up enough seats to reach a slim majority. Neither outcome is probable but they cannot yet be completely discounted.

    These votes are supposed to be counted over the next few days and maybe into next week so we may have to wait to see the final, final outcome.

    It should be noted though that I crunched the numbers and the Conservatives still cannot win the election even if the mail-in ballots break their way. There are just not enough ridings where they lost by less than 1000 votes to get them to the magic 140 seat line.

    I know that some have said that the mail-ins are going to skew Liberal. I certainly hope that is true and that they skew hard in that direction. That would actually mean that they could win an additional 10 to 20 seats. It would be sweet if, at the end of the month, it is announced that the mail-in ballots pushed the Liberals past 170 seats. However, I would not get your hopes up because they probably will not break that hard for them, if they break for them at all.

    Stay tuned.

  3. Lets not forget that although I was upset the bloc Québécois maintained its suburb ridings, it still did not snatch ministerial ridings (Lebouthiller, Champagne and Bibeault in respectively the gaspé-iles de la madeleines, saint-maurice and Compton-Stanstead). Not to forget other ridings (such as Sherbrooke and argenteuil la petite nation for Brière and Lauzon). Anyways their strategy did fail and thus it's just the lame excuse to keep ridings.

  4. Aw Simon, I was so happy about the victory but I'm feeling kind of glum now. I read Dale Smith's column about the election, and he's usually pretty on-target as is Chantal. They both say it's likely that the clock is really ticking for Trudeau now, that he might leave on his own within a year to open the door for Freeland and/or someone else to compete in a leadership race. Now Gerald Butts seems to indicate that isn't happening, but my gut tells me that's more likely than not.

    I like Freeland and I can understand if JT is sick of the BS, but I would miss him terribly if he left. Depending on how the Cons handle the Tool and if they replace him with a loser like Skippy do you think he could win one more, or is he really getting ready to wrap things up?

  5. Pierre D.11:48 PM

    It is impossible to say whehter Team Trudeau can win another election.
    Too many factors are in play, including world events...what if there is another war, a terrorist attack, rampant wildfires, an indigenous uprising? All these things can just turn a good government.

    It's not all glum though. Evan Scrimshaw is 100% correct that the CPC is done. They will not get a majority, and any minority they get will be hamstrung by the LPC or NDP/BQ. It's over for them.

    So what we will see is retail politics for the foreseeable future; a little to seniors, a little college kids, a little to private enterprise, a little to the province of Québec, a little to...and I will put my $ on the line here with this statement.

    Justin Trudeau will not be the one to cause an election, it will be CPC BQ with a non-confidence motion.

  6. Anonymous1:34 AM

    It's funny that earlier today I was thinking about that big, repulsive meathead with the goofy sunglasses giving JT the finger and I guess you were to Simon by prominently displaying the bird flipper and the many scumbags JT endured during this campaign. He never flinched and he never backed down. Leadership at it's best. And speaking of leaders, I'd like to congratulate Justin on winning his third Prime Minister's election. In spite of the ridiculously biased media coverage, he pulled it off because A: Decent Canadians aren't stupid cretins who live and die by the manure the Con MSM spews out and B: Decent Canadians aren't prone to knee jerk reactions when things don't go their way. We bide our time, think things through and make sane, educated choices. As for the Cons, I imagine their tears and rage must be flowing heavily today. Boo fucking hoo. You get no pity from me and I will do what I don't normally do. Gloat. Gloat at having beaten the party of rectal Reformers and colonic Cons. In short, assholes. While you grind your collective tooths and hurl your death threats I will remind you all that none of that matters to JT. He is so far above you that you must appear as insignificant gnats to him. Easily ignored and if need be, squashed as required. Get a grip losers. Until the right is returned to a party of ideas and respect, they will forever be mired in the cesspool that Harper and company created and dragged them into or they willingly waded into. For the third time Canadians have spoken and have rejected the ugliness of the Cons. The fear and loathing that is at the core of the right will forever drag them down until the remaining vestiges of Harper are finally purged from the party and maybe, just maybe, a viable option for electors may emerge.

  7. It is what it is! Now stop the constant bickering and bitching and do your jobs!

  8. I always thought that after a third election ( majority or minority ) Trudeau would not run again.

    The reformatories want to get back to their hate and obstruction but may be too distracted. Look at the length of the lineup of knucklewalkers wanting to replace him.
    Peter peckerhead has already released his first leadership campaign video. Teamwork from a guy too unlikeable to win nationally.
    Leslyn is there but like a Cavin and Hobbs treehouse it's ' no girlz allowed ' .
    Jason Kenny will need a job soon but his sabotage of Otoole's tricycle won't be forgotten.
    Doug Ford will need a job soon but how do you get him out from under that bed.
    Derek Sloan: don't count out the right wing nut jobs letting him back into the bunker.
    Mad Max? Sure , it would be a good way to bring those votes backto their reactionary home.
    Stevie Hapless? A man for whom there is never enough public humiliation.
    There are other racist, homophobic,misogynistic, xenophobic reformatories out there with more ambition than judgement or ability but I can't do this all day.

  9. Hi Jackie.... It was a great victory, and had Cha Cha Cha Kurl not boosted the fortunes of the Bloc in Quebec by calling Quebecers racists it might have been even greater. But it's still good enough. The Cons are now going to spend the next year tearing themselves to bits, and Jagmeet Singh for all the adoring coverage he received turned out to be just another loser. So the Con media can say what they want, there is only one winner, it was a great election. And Justin Trudeau will leave when he wants to leave, but it won't be anytime soon. Only in Canada would some call a winner a loser. Pity....

  10. Hi Ottlib...Yes, I am looking forward to the mail-in votes, and I'm pretty confident that they will skew heavily Liberal. I'm not sure they will have much of an effect on the seat count, but any extra seats would be a bonus. And they would at least help silence the Con media, who after having failed to elect O'Toole, are now claiming that Trudeau really lost. Only in Canada eh? As you can see from my post, I will not let those scumbags get away with that. What they did was an absolute disgrace, and along with the toxic Trudeau haters, they must be made to pay for their crimes against our democracy. Progressives have been too nice in the past, but not any longer....

  11. Hi Myworld1916...I too was disappointed to see the Bloc win as many seats as they did, but as you point out in could have been worse. And at least Legault didn't get his wish for a Con minority government, which is encouraging. I started to call him a Duplessis retread a long time ago, and I'm glad that more people are also calling him that. A lot of Quebecers seem to need a Big Daddy, but I am not one of them...

  12. Hi Pierre....I can't understand why any progressive should be glum. Despite the bias and the hate, the Trudeau Liberals held the line and won a big victory for our Canada. When you look at the state of the opposition parties it couldn't be bigger. And then there are all those Liberal plans for the future that were saved, and can only make the party even more popular. And yes I agree with you, the next time Trudeau must let the opposition bring down the government. They won't dare do that for YEARS. And I intend to spend those years working to rid this country of its hideous Con premiers, and of course mocking the Con losers who were so sure they were going to win...

  13. Hi JD...Yes, I thought that photo of that meathead Con giving Trudeau the finger was one of the images of the campaign. Trudeau was up against the lowest scum of the world, he refused to be intimidated, and he put them in their place. I do hope those Con thugs are putting their guns to good use, and are blowing off their own heads. Kapow!!! And regardless, after the horror they put us through, I intend to gloat and gloat and gloat. As I told Ottlib, progressives have been too nice in the past, but not any longer...

  14. Hi rumleyfips....I don't think the Cons have yet appreciated the extent of their loss. But they will, and as you point out their future looks grim. The mob is already calling for O'Toole's head, even though the list of replacements is simply pathetic. The party is too ugly and too bigoted to ever replace the Liberals, especially since I see the NDP shrinking even further. There is a nasty looking potential scandal brewing over the way Jagmeet Singh tried to turn the party into his personal advertising agency, only to look like an idiot, and end up in the same place he was before. I expect that many NDPers will become Liberals so the future of decency is assured....

  15. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Wish I could share your enthusiasm Simon but although the Cons are bleeding support from some of the fringe groups they are not out...yet. They still have the hope that the NDP and Post Media will continue to support parliamentary inquires and other propaganda to paint the Liberals as a corrupt incompetent mess. The Post media propaganda machine and internet distributors reach approximately 20 million Canadians and is unlikely to change. The NDP will be less obvious but will still jump at the chance to trade it all for a permanent ineffectual number 2 position should the chance arise. Harper foresaw this scenario years ago hence his fascination with huge monuments to the scourge of communism and strategy to paint the NDP as pinko when the time comes.

    To counter this the Liberals need to forcefully push legislation that forces the weakened Con coalition out into the open. Laws that prevent individuals from trolling medical staff would certainly draw out the anti abortion crowd, support for independent journalism and balanced internet distribution vs the firehose propaganda machine, tightened assault weapon gun laws where they are either disposed of or rendered permanently inoperative, and $10 day care to name a few. The Liberals have the mandate to boldly push the legislative envelope before the propaganda machine regains momentum. The Cons cannot change, egotistical Singh will unlikely which means nice guys slowly trying to build legislative consensus finish last. We saw signs Trudeau could meet the challenge of calling out assholes towards the end of the campaign but time is of the essence. Cooperation is a virtue but cutting your losses before they become insurmountable is another.


  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I'm hearing more of the 'sore loser' comments about the CON's and it seems like it was in their game plan. Now I'm hearing that Skippy already has his knives out for poor Erin.

    Someone should out a cork in the mouth of this guy. Since CBC is accepting opinion pieces from whomsoever, one of you with credentials should take a shot at it.



  17. RT -- agree so much about the bullshit committee inquiries. I counted no less than three articles out this morning practically salivating over more Benghazi bullshit instead of policy coverage. The Hill Times, TVO and of course the Probe and Wail.

    Damn, I wish Trudeau had been more forceful and aggressive in calling out the toxic parliament being the impetus for the election or just let them bring down the budget next spring. The DipperCons are going to be murder hornets in this parliament and even though a win is a win, a Pyrrhic victory makes it a total mess.

  18. You were my rock during the down times in this campaign, Simon - sitting here in the Prairies, surrounded by Con governments, its very hard to tell how the rest of the country is doing, so I relied on you very much during this campaign.
    Scrimshaw and Franky were my go-to polling twitter feeds/websites -- they too were convinced that the Cons had no path to victory and they were proven to be correct. Scrimshaw thought at one point that Trudeau could pick up enough from the Bloc to get to majority territory but the English debate screwed that up, unfortunately.
    Interesting article by Dale Smith this morning about how poorly the NDP riding associations are doing - I think if this doesn't get changed, they will ultimately be finished as a political force in Canada. The Greens are proving to be a lesson in what happens to a party when it starts ignoring the ordinary people in its base.

  19. Hi RT….Goodness some of you guys are a gloomy lot. I realize I am sometimes hopelessly optimistic, but we should enjoy what progressives achieved in this election. We prevailed against some of the most powerful and most evil forces this country has ever seen. And we have a lot of things to celebrate, So cheer up gloomy one!! Having said that, you’re right, We will face a nest of angry Con hornets, and you have some good ideas to take the sting out of them. However, remember they are seriously divided, and the uglier they are, the more they will reinforce negative impressions about them. In my opinion the first thing we must do is make sure that we no longer depend on the Con media for political coverage. We need to step up our efforts as citizen journalists, and expose their lies and their bad behaviour so they can’t get away with what they did in the lead up and during this election….

  20. Hi windsurfer….Yes, the Cons and the Con media are trying to discredit the Liberal victory by whatever means necessary. And Boessenkool’s article is a perfect example of that. Why the CBC would allow a Harperite to publish a piece threatening the government with more extreme Con behaviour is beyond me. But one thing I do know is that if the Cons should replace O’Toole with Pierre Poilievre it will be the end of them. So please be my guest…

  21. Hi Cathie…thank you for that lovely comment that I will treasure forever. When I wonder why I am blogging, I will take it out and read it again. Especially since I have always enjoyed your blog for the gentle Canadian values that you have always promoted. I worship those values, I believe they make us the country we are, and when I see our ugly Cons trying to trample on them I see red, and I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say I would die to defend them. I almost did die in the last few days of this election campaign when I got a bad case of food poisoning that left me so weak I practically had to crawl to my computer. But it’s amazing how victory was able to get me back on my feet. And we do have so much to celebrate. Goodness won and our country still lives…

  22. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Such a classy guy! https://twitter.com/senatorbrazeau/status/1440291596495327237?s=20

  23. The cons who live in a black and white world say JT lost the election. This is just a slice of the problems with the con universe.

  24. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Cons seem a little pissed that the Tool went full Liberal with his election platform and has nothing to show for it. He had no intention of fulfilling those promises if they were elected but now he is stuck with trying to weedle out of the promises when Liberal tabled legislation is passed. Expect a lot of, I know I supported a carbon tax, assault rifle ban, money for health care, day care, no balanced budget for 10 years but the Liberal wording is all wrong and for the sake of all Canadians its necessary to block the legislation until it reflects my true intent. On the other hand it might be easier for the party to turf him and in true Con fashion deny the Tool and his promises ever existed. Abra kadabra, poof another True Blue is pulled out of the hat.



  25. Hi anon@10:01 AM….Yes, Patrick Brazeau has gone through a personal hell and come out a better person. He had a severe drug problem so it’s great to see him show that rehabilitation is possible, and I wish him all the best…

  26. Hi Steve….Yes, it really is the final straw, and I’m going to have to write something about that, because nobody should let the Cons get away with it. They tried to steal the election during the campaign, they will not steal our victory….

  27. Hi RT….The grubby flip flopper O’Toole is finally paying for his dishonesty and lack of a moral compass. If he had won the election he might have got away with it, but now he’s really in trouble. On the one hand he has some members of the Con establishment like Mike Harris going to bat for him, while on the other hand the right wing extremists and religious fanatics are demanding he be fired for betraying his original promise to them. I don’t know who will win this tug of war, but hopefully it will tear the Cons apart…
