Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Cons and the Big Black Squirrel

If I was a Stephen Harper Conservative I'd be very very afraid. The Big Black Squirrel is giving them the evil hungry eye.

As they become ever more desperate. And even more NUTTY.

This week, Conservatives fought back.

Against whom I wonder? Surely not the GritGirl? Who hasn't posted a video in more than a MONTH.

And what are we to make of this?

Good week for Conservatives, don’t you think?

No Stephen. I don't. And neither do SOOOOOO many others.

In fact the only way the week could have been WORSE, is if the entire Con caucus had been busted in a hotel room.....handing out envelopes of cash to underage hookers..... as part of their stimulus plan.

Which of course brings me to Taylor's next line:

I hear that Brian Mulroney did pretty well too!

OMG. When does a critical disconnect from reality become fullblown insanity? Somebody please tell Stephen that in the real opposed to the fantasy one he lives in... it's three strikes and you're OUT.

Still yearning for affection like an annoying suitor who cannot accept rejection, he will not let Canadians forget what it was about him that they so disliked when he left politics 16 years ago...

But it gets worse. After a cheap joke carefully designed to hurt both Dhalla and no doubt carefully crafted by the crass political thugs in the PMO...we get this:


That's a rimshot? Or did he mean a rim JOB? And if so whose doing the rimming? Not Jason Kenney I hope. We wouldn't want another senior Con caught with his tongue in the cookie jar. Would we?

When the media pack got there, they found out that two officials, let's call them Kory Teneycke and Dimitri Soudas (as CanWest did), had taken a leave from their jobs. Just a one-day leave, so they could be Conservative partisans and talk to reporters about the ads they were releasing.

Oh boy. Are these Cons sleazy and DESPERATE? And how could Stephen Taylor get EVERYTHING wrong in one post? By suggesting that keyboard cat is a Con.

When everyone knows he's on OUR side. The Conservatives are the ones played out.

And the only animal act these pathetic Con pitbulls can expect at THEIR farewell... is John Baird in heat ... fighting off the rest of the caucus for one last chance to hump Great Loser Leader's leg.

And of course....bien sur.

Straight from Medellin....with envelopes full of cash.

My friend the Colombian chihuaha...

Bye Bye Cons.

They can yap and snap all they like. Or bite themselves in the ass.

But the party is almost over.....

1 comment:

penlan said...

"But the party is almost over....."

I hope you're right Simon. Things are looking really, really bad for Harper et al right now but Harper seems to have a way of getting out of everything & being re-elected no matter how bad. It's like nothing sticks to him - only short term. It "tastes" like he's going under but you can never be sure with this megalomaniac.